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Tragedy in Arequipa: two miners died after falling into a 10-meter-high gas sinkhole

Two artisanal miners died after falling into a 10-meter-high gas sinkhole | Photo capture: PNP

In the early hours of June 27, personnel from the Fire Department specialized in urban rescue, with the support of the Samuel Málaga and Cocachacra companies, managed to recover the bodies of two miners who died after falling into a gas sinkhole in the Quelgua El Fiscal sector, in the Cocachacra district, Islay province, region Arequipa.

According to local media reports, the affected miners were engaged in artisanal mining. They were identified as Fredy Medina Chirinos and Remigio Menaoboth natives of Camaná, who reportedly fell into a sinkhole approximately 10 meters deep last Wednesday.

After the emergency was reported, the men in red arrived at the informal mine in Quelgua to begin rescue work that lasted approximately seven hours due to the conditions of the site. It was not until 01:30 on Thursday that they managed to extract the lifeless bodies of both miners.

Cocachacra Serenazgo personnel and National Police (PNP) agents were also present at the scene. According to preliminary information, both men would have died from the inhalation of toxic gasBoth bodies were transferred to the Mollendo morgue for the corresponding procedures and to determine the exact causes of their deaths.

It is worth mentioning that Fredy Medina was a district candidate for Samuel Pastor, with the party of Free Peru.

In the early morning of June 28, 2024, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake It strongly shook the Arequipa region, with the epicenter located in the district of Yauca, in the province of Caravelí, 54 kilometers to the southwest. The tremor occurred at 00:36 hours and was felt in several regions of southern Peru, including Cusco, Ica, Ayacucho and Lima.

The impact of the earthquake resulted in various material damages and left several people injured. Arequipalandslides and damaged homes were reported, with the community of Santa Catalina de Tranca in Ninabamba registering a landslide. In total, nine people were injured in different locations. In Ica, five injured people were treated, and in Nasca another six, including two minors with injuries.

The Peruvian Navy’s Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation initially issued a tsunami warning that was later cancelled. However, this did not prevent thousands of people from spending the night in the streets for fear of aftershocks. According to IGP, 17 have been recorded, and of these only five have been reported because they were of magnitudes of up to 4.4 degrees.

Another 4.4 magnitude earthquake occurred in YaucaCaravelí province, Arequipa, at 08:26 a.m. on June 28, 2024, according to the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP).

New replica of earthquake in Yauca, Arequipa, of 4.4 degrees.

The epicenter was located 47 km southwest of Yauca, with a depth of 35 km. The intensity of the earthquake was classified as level III in Yauca, being noticeable by the population but without generating significant damage.

This event adds to the aftershocks that occurred in the region after the main earthquake. For more details on what is happening in Arequipa, see the live report Infobae Peru.

  • Free Civil Defense Line – INDECI: 0800-166-080
  • Ministry of Health (Minsa) emergency line: 113
  • National Police of Peru (PNP): 105
  • Firefighters: 116
  • Peruvian Red Cross: 115
  • MTC: 119 (to send voice messages to loved ones).
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