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Detective Conan, The Million-dollar Pentagram (2024) review – The new movie about a treasure hunt by Conan Edogawa and Kaito Kid is coffee for coffee lovers

After breaking records in Japan, the 27th ‘Detective Conan’ film has now arrived in Spain

Like every year, what we know for sure in terms of anime releases is that we always have a new ‘Detective Conan’ movie ahead of us. We are already on number 27 of the franchise, which is a golden mini for TMS Entertainment and with the premiere of ‘Detective Conan: The Million-dollar Pentagram’ They have already broken another box office record for anime.

Luckily, in Spain anime releases are arriving more and more quickly. And the new of ‘Detective Conan’ arrives in our theaters this June 28, just a couple of months after its premiere in Japan.


Back to business, with the whole team

‘Detective Conan: The Million-dollar Pentagram’ takes us to Hokkaido, where the thief Kaito Kid threatens to steal two wakizashi swords that belonged to Toshizo Hijikata, a famous samurai who resisted the Meiji Restoration. To prevent Kid from stealing this treasureConan Edogawa, Inspector Kogoro Mouri and Ran They come to investigate the case.

Hattori Heiji, The Osaka detective joins forces with Conan and his team to stop Kid… Who is not actually after the swords themselves, but rather after a treasure that has been hidden in Hakodate for decades and is sought by several very dangerous factions. And to reach it they must gather six different swords and decipher a very complex puzzle full of pieces.

As with all ‘Detective Conan’ movies, we can expect Pure spectacle and entertainment with a good, thoughtful case. And that’s exactly what ‘Detective Conan: The Million-dollar Pentagram’ gives us, which takes us from end to end of the city while Conan and Heiji decipher each piece of the puzzle, almost like a gymkhana.

‘Detective Conan’ movie 27 is a treasure hunt against the clock in which all the characters end up playing an important role and show off as we expect of them. Do you want a scooter? We have a scooter. Katana duel? We have it too. Like all anime movies, it is a show for the fansand it gives exactly what we expect from them.

And even though certain twists can be seen coming and some of the main investigation seems endless, ‘The Million-dollar Pentagram’ manages to pack a few surprises. It is a fun adventure, and it has something for everyone, plus it is appreciated that they rescue characters that the last films had left somewhat more abandoned.

Although if we are “casual” fans of ‘Detective Conan’ there comes a time when cameos and character appearances because they can become too overwhelming… Because it almost seems like some appearances are there because we need to complete all the “checks” on the list, or we’ll explode.

You have to come to ‘The Million-dollar Pentagram’ with your homework done, because otherwise many references and gags will pass us by without pain or glory without us being able to catch any.

For this reason, among so many cameos and festivals of appearances, precisely The real villains of the film are left quite blurred and without offering much. They are almost operetta villains, who are bad and ambitious (and bad, very bad), but who do not offer real danger as the Men in Black felt in ‘Black Iron Submarine’, which remains one of the best films of the franchise and the truth is that it is unfair to compare it with others.

‘Detective Conan: The Million-dollar Pentagram’ is coffee for coffee lovers. A complex puzzle adventure that has three of the most charismatic characters in anime working together (well, sort of). It’s fun, it keeps you in suspense, and it fulfills everything we expect from a good ‘Detective Conan’ movie, including the action scenes, chases, and displays of inventions.

If we are fans of Conan Edogawa and we are already needing the annual dose, we are going to spend it like dwarfs. And be careful, the post-credits leaves us with some surprises about Kaito Kid and his family.

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