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Young man loses his life protecting his girlfriend from two teenagers

Wyoming.- A Teen 14-year-old Wyoming native Bobby Maher lost his life while trying to protect his girlfriend from two masked teenagers.

One of the aggressorsDominique Antonio Richard Harris, 15, allegedly pinned Maher down while the other attacked him with a machete, prosecutors said.

At a hearing last Wednesday, Harris pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to commit murder. If found guilty, he could face life in prison.

A aggressor held to Bobby while he other He attacked him with a machete

Harris, who is being judged as adultconfessed to police that he held Maher down to help his alleged accomplice, 15-year-old Jarreth Plunkett, stab himthe NY Post reported.

Harris He claimed that he only held Maher “to make sure the fight ended”. Nevertheless, Footage of the April 7 attack shows Harris throwing Maher to the ground and holding him still while Plunkett stabbed him twice.

How did the attack occur?

He incident took place at the Eastridge Mall in Casper. Maher went to the mall after her girlfriend called him, saying Harris and Plunkett were harassing her and a friend of hers.

Photo: Dan Cepeda/Oil City News
Photo: Dan Cepeda/Oil City News
Photo: Dan Cepeda/Oil City News

The attackersalso accused of stealing knives from a Target store before the attack, they confronted to Maher due to an incident occurred during the vacation spring in an Evansville park. Harris claimed Maher asked them if they were “weird” after seeing them leave a port-a-potty together.

The surveillance recordings of the shopping center show to Maher trying to get out to its bride and his friend from the scene before being confronted by Plunkett.

What are the charges?

Harris faces charges of conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree, aggravated assault and petit theft. Although have declared not guiltyhis defense attorney, Brandon Booth, mentioned that his client reserves the right to change his statement due to mental health or impairment reasons.

During the hearing, Harris informed the judge of district, Kerri Johnson, who is not aware of having been diagnosed with any learning disabilities.

Last weekPlunkett also declared himself not guilty Because of mental healthso the judge ordered a mental examination for him.

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