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5 Tips to optimize detail pages for Amazon Prime Day

Is summer! Looking forward to vacations, to enjoy with friends and family, to rest… something deserved after the hard work of the year. But in order to enjoy those days of well-deserved rest and enjoyment, it is necessary to arrive with your homework done and, if the business or company sells on, achieving success on Prime Day is mandatory.

And Amazon Prime Day is already around the corner and, therefore, it is essential, as a seller on the Marketplace, to have your strategy completely prepared. From content optimization to advertising campaign planning, every detail counts to maximize results during the highly anticipated event.

At Amazing, the agency centralized in Amazon and a national reference, they are clear about this and for the seventh consecutive year they have been helping their clients with all the necessary pillars for them to achieve success. Here are some key tips for optimizing the detail pages of products for sale on Amazon.

Image Optimization

Make sure your photos are high-quality and show the product from different angles. Images are crucial to attracting customers, so it’s important to include in-use photos that help users visualize how they can benefit from the product. Use graphics and text over images to highlight key features, and add lifestyle images that represent your buyer persona, making it easier for users to identify with the product. If the product has distinguishing features, highlight them through close-ups and infographic-style explanations. Also, consider uploading videos such as commercials, product demos or 360° views, as product listings that include videos tend to convert better.

Title Optimization

A well-optimized title not only describes the product, but also improves search visibility. Include relevant keywords that customers can use to search for similar products and be sure to place the most important information at the beginning of the title. Keep the title clear and concise, following Amazon guidelines for length and format: no more than 60 characters and structured as Brand – Product Name – Main Feature – Type – Color – Size – Quantity. It will ensure that the title is effective even when displayed truncated in search results.

Bullets Optimization

Bullets (key points) are the opportunity to highlight the most important features and benefits of the product. Each bullet should focus on a specific aspect of the product, using clear, direct and professional language. Address potential questions or concerns customers may have, and begin each bullet with a capital letter. Avoid including information about promotions or prices, and make sure to incorporate relevant keywords that increase the visibility of the product, especially those specific to Prime Day.

Brand Story Activation and A+ Optimization

The Brand Story section is available for those brands that have the trademark registered on Amazon and is essential to tell the brand’s story, explain its values ​​and highlight what differentiates it from the competition. An effective Brand Story can increase customer loyalty and improve brand perception. Use images that are in line with the look and feel of the product and brand, maintaining coherence with the creatives used in the Brand Store. Also optimize A+ content, reviewing images and the cross-selling table to include complementary products based on purchase data.

Creating a Prime Day Store Tab

The Brand Store plays a very important role during special events like Prime Day. Prepare a specific tab in the Brand Store for the products on sale, making sure it includes all the products and breathes the spirit of the event. Update the creative and banner sections to catch the user’s attention. When the Sponsored Brand format is activated, decide whether to redirect to the Prime Day tab or the main page, depending on the objectives. It is crucial to comply with Amazon’s regulations regarding messaging, logo use and event name to avoid activation problems.


Optimizing detail pages on Amazon is essential for success on Prime Day. With these tips, you can ensure that your listings are in top shape. If you need help with both product optimization and advertising on Amazon, working with a Partner like Amazing, with a success story published by Amazon worldwide from the last Prime Day, is the best solution. You can contact them by email at [email protected].

Good luck for a successful Prime Day 2024!

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