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He died in the sewer: he was riding a motorcycle, suffered a brutal accident, was thrown into the air, made a desperate call for help and no one found him

Neuquen be found of mourning after witnessing a horrible accident: a man that He was riding his motorcycle fell into a sewer, Nobody found it and died.

He was practicing pirouettes on the motorcycle, collided with a cow and died instantly: witnesses took out knives and slaughtered the animal

Although the injured He notified his family after what happened, he could not give clarifications about his whereabouts, and hours later he was found dead.

He suffered a fatal motorcycle accident and died

He died in the sewer: he was on a motorcycle, suffered a brutal accident, was thrown into the air, made a desperate request for help and no one found him

Luis Ariel Parra67 years old, was traveling on his motorcycle towards the Industrial Park of Neuquen. At one point, he had to take the roundabout located on the third Cipolletti bridge on Route 151, but He failed to turn, fell into a sewer located in the middle of a huge pasture, and died.

Despite He came to notify his family about what happened, could not give exact details about his whereabouts. The only information they had was where he was going and, for this reason, They started looking for him, and they made the complaint in the Seventh unit of Cinco Saltos for start the search.

They were the Municipal security cameras those who managed to help in the search, since They recorded the exact moment in which the victim comes out shot out of the roundabout, and falls with its wheel.

“We spent many hours searching for him as a group towards the Neuquén Industrial Park, where he had gone, but we never imagined it was therefrom where he made the call letting us know that he had fallen. We passed by the roundabout many times”his family expressed with regret.

A cyclist run over in Neuquén

Just a few weeks ago, the province was hit by another road tragedy: a cyclist died in the oil town of Year it, after a truck traveling on Route 17 ran over him.

At the same time Maximilian San Martinhead of the barracks Local Volunteer Firefighters, He told local media: “When we arrived at the scene, the person was already with health personnel, who confirmed the death. “She was hit by a white Toyota Hilux pickup truck belonging to a man who works on a farm.”

On the other hand, The driver of the van was taken to the local hospital.although he did not present serious injuries.

Who was Iván Rosales, the 14-year-old teenager who was burned to death during his vacation in La Plata

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