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“I wish I had died in the accident”: accused of the death of Trinidad and Agustina after a drunken crash

A shocking testimony shared Jose Venturinoaccused of the traffic accident that ended the lives of Trinidad Bunster (20) and Agustina Espinoza (19), the two friends who died in the commune of Santo Domingo, in the Valparaíso Region.

For the first time, the law student testified in the framework of a hearing held in the San Antonio Guarantee Court.

It should be remembered that Venturino He is accused of driving under the influence of alcohol, which caused the death of Trinidad and Agustina. To date, the subject is under total house arrest in the commune of Las Condes, a precautionary measure that has been questioned by the affected families.

The statement of the accused

Although the victims studied the same degree and at the same university as the accused, he said he did not know them.

As detailed BioBioChilethe young man recalled that it all started during the night of Saturday, March 30, when he was getting ready to go to the disco.

“My friend Javier suggested that I invite Agustina and Trinidad to join us at the club. I didn’t know them, as they were second-year law students and I was in my fourth year… Javier organised everything and told me where they were staying.”he assured.

After picking them up, the young women sat in the back of the BMW. “I don’t remember if they had drunk alcohol or if they put on their seat belts. I also don’t remember if Javier told them to put their seatbelts on.”he added.

Then he explained that “I took the fruit road at a normal speed of 70-80 kilometers per hour, which is a dangerous road with many curves and hills, some of which are poorly signposted or lit. There was no alcohol in the car, we were not drinking, the music was at a moderate level so we could talk to each other.”

“At the entrance to Las Brisas road, I signal to the right. Once we were on a straight road, I was maybe driving at 90-100 kilometers per hour, I don’t know exactly how fast because I wasn’t paying attention to the tachometer, I was driving attentively. Honestly, I don’t remember how I lost control or how the accident occurred, but I remember that I was facing the curve; The only thing I remember is that I woke up on the pavement and I don’t understand what happened.”he added.

As the hours passed, when he had regained consciousness, the weight of the tragedy began to sink in.

“I couldn’t believe that Agustina and Trinidad had died, and I still find it unfair… Honestly, I didn’t expect something like what happened on March 31 to happen, a date that will mark me forever and the families of “Agustina and Trinidad”he acknowledged.

“I feel so bad for having caused this to Agustina and Trinidad’s family, just as I indicated in the letter of forgiveness I sent. I do not expect forgiveness, I intend to accept the consequences of my actions, I do not intend to go into denial of the situation, I simply hope that Agustina and Trinidad’s family find some kind of comfort or closure with this.”he added.

Regarding his current state of health, the young man maintained that “I am on medication and I truly confess that I wish I had died in the accident because I find it totally unfair that I am here and I have no way of saying how much I regret it.”.

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