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Here’s how you can get the new 20 euro coin with Saint Peter and the Rooster

Friday, June 28, 2024, 09:59

| Updated 17:09h.


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We are faced with an object that will be a cult item for collectors and lovers of numismatics. A new 20 euro coin hits the market. The Vatican City State Mint continues the creation of coins. With its ‘Art and Faith’ series, the copper coin is designed in Proof and face quality of 20 euros, which represents Saint Peter and the Rooster.

On the reverse of the coin, the artist Daniela Fusco shows in the foreground the rooster of St. Peter, a bronze statue kept in the Treasure Museum of St. Peter’s Basilica, and in the background an image of the apostle Peter.

The rooster, always associated with the apostle Peter, remembers the prophetic words of Jesus: “Before the rooster crows today, you will deny me three times.” (Lk 22,54-62). The episode narrated in the four gospels refers to the arrest of Jesus, when Peter, overcome by fear, denies him, pretending not to know him, and then repents and weeps bitterly for it. Jesus knows that this humble fisherman will be the rock on which his Church will be built (Mt 16:18). Given this, the artist represents Peter with the keys in his hand, symbols of spiritual authority and the role of guardian of the gates of Paradise: «I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and everything you bind on earth. “It will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Mt 16:19).

According to the numismatic-visual website, the sale price for subscribers to Vatican issues is €49. The coin weighs 15 grams, has a diameter of 32 mm and will have a circulation of 3,000 units.

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