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Nancy Pazos stayed in a bra on her radio show

Nancy Pazos starred in a viral moment on social networks when She was left in her bra on her radio show, during a talk about clothing sizes.

The journalist took off her shirt not only in front of her radio colleagues, but also in front of the viewers who followed the program on YouTube.

“This is the largest size bra the company makes, there is no larger size. Here come the twins“said Nancy Pazos, days after the viral moment of Nati Jota talking about her “two breasts”, in her attempt to conquer journalist Gastón Edul.

Nancy Pazos surprised her colleagues

“I want to tell the listeners that Facu does not look to the side where Nancy is” said one of the columnists, who was in shock.

One of the first to criticize her was Yanina Latorre: “Today he started talking about sizes. That if the fat ones, the skinny ones… that there are no sizes. And she took off her clothes and was left in a bra. wanted show that she had a little extra boob and wanted to complain about the sizes. He had no better idea than to get boobs. One classmate burst out laughing and it made the other uncomfortable. The idiot of the day is Nancy Pazos. You want to be disruptive and it looks ridiculous See if to complain about the size law you are going to put on your tits without any type of prejudice on the radio table!

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