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Netflix premieres the miniseries about a scammer with more than 500 children around the world

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Netflix will launch a new and disturbing documentary miniseries, one of those in which it seems that reality far surpasses fiction, and which will arrive on the video on demand (VOD) platform on July 3. The British production, created by the filmmakers of Love, harassment, murderexplores the incredible and chilling story of Jonathan Meijer, a Dutch sperm donor accused of father hundreds of children around the world under false pretenses.

With a mix of exhaustive research and first-hand testimonies, the series, close to the genre true crimepromises to be a hot topic. Meijer, a charismatic youtuber, He managed to trick hundreds of women in different countries into carrying his children. The series reveals how Meijer took advantage of the lack of global regulation in the fertility industry, exposing loopholes and deficiencies in laws that should protect families.


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The confidential

Through three intense episodes, filmmaker Josh Allott will take viewers to A journey through pain and struggle of the affected families, who seek justice and changes in regulations to prevent future fraud.

The focus of the documentary is not only on Meijer, but also on the personal stories of the affected parents. The testimonies show the emotional and psychological impact of discovering that the donor they trusted has fathered up to a staggering number of children. more than five hundred children around the world. Anguish and concern about the potential genetic and social consequences are intertwined in each story, offering a raw and honest view of the devastation caused by this scandal.

Lack of regulations allowed Meijer to carry out its deception on a large scale

One of the most shocking revelations of the series will be how some fertility clinics allowed donations from Meijereven though its practices were already being questioned. The lack of international regulations and the permissiveness of certain fertility centres are highlighted as key factors that allowed Meijer to carry out its deception on a large scale. The series places particular emphasis on the urgent need for legal reforms.

A call to action

The series will also explore the ethical and legal implications of the Meijer case. Parents affected by the incident will be asked to have started lawsuits and campaigns to change fertility laws, seeking to prevent other donors from taking advantage of the system in the same way.

The documentary not only exposes the fraud but also provides a platform for victims to share their stories and seek support. The series becomes a call to action, urging viewers to reflect on the importance of regulation in the fertility industry and protection of the rights of parents and children born through sperm donation.

Trailer for ‘The Man with 1000 Sons’. (Netflix)

Next Wednesday, July 3, Netflix will premiere The man of 1000 childrenWith its in-depth and empathetic approach, the investigation will leave a lasting mark on its viewers and encourage a necessary debate about the practices of anonymous parenting.

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