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Outrage on social media, but no investigation

The tragic death of Luis Parrathe man who crashed at the roundabout leading to the third bridge, generated pain and indignation in the community because he was not helped in time. Beyond the anger and criticism of the rest of the motorists, the Cipolletti justice system rules out opening an investigation.

The video of the camera of monitoring of the Municipality of Cipolletti It went viral after learning of the tragic outcome of Parra’s accident. There were many Valletanos who questioned the rest of the motorists, especially the person who was driving a truck a few meters behind Parra.

From the images of the Municipality’s dome, which is broadcast live 24 hours a day on YouTube, many pointed out the drivers passing through the roundabout a few seconds after the man lost control of his 125 cc motorcycle. One of them was coming behind Parra, in the same direction and could have seen him.

The identity of the driver is unknown and, for Justice, there are no reasons to search for him. According to what they stated in Court, beyond going after Parra, there is no certainty that he witnessed the accident enough to attribute “omission of assistance” to him.

He crashed with his motorcycle on the third bridge.mp4

The omission of help It is a crime committed by anyone who “fails to help a person who is helpless and in manifest and serious danger of losing his or her life, when he or she could do so without risk to himself or others.” For the people of Valletta who commented on the case on social media, the driver committed this crime, while for Justice it is impossible to prove it. The punishment is a financial fine.

The same goes for the security camera monitoring operators. Parra’s family and the police searched for the man in the area of ​​the Third Bridge, since he had informed his niece about the accident. He assured her that he fell under the bridge. The roundabout was not inspected in person, nor by the cameras, until several hours after the accident. “We passed by the roundabout several times, but it was not the place where we were looking, because he had mentioned to his niece that he fell in the area of ​​the bridge,” said a Rio Negro Police agent.

The omission of assistance is the only crime that could have been applied in the case, since abandonment of a person – the criminal figure that many neighbors “denounced” – only applies when there is an act of violence with a fatal outcome. In the video images it is observed that Parra had an accident without the participation of third parties.

The motorcyclist’s family did not file any complaint

From the Power of attorney rionegrino assured that there are no presentations from Parra’s family to investigate the accident that caused the death of the 67-year-old man. It is another factor why a file was not opened.

According to the man’s relatives, he had suffered an illness that had deteriorated his health. It is presumed that he died as a result of the blows. He was unable to get up to ask for help because he fell under the motorcycle.

The only element that could lead to a lawsuit is the state and signage of the road, to establish through expert reports whether it had an impact on the fatal incident of the motorcyclist.

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