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Democrats ‘panicked’ by Biden’s performance in debate with Trump | Voices grow for alternative candidate

The US President, Joe Bidenleft everyone worried again after his performance in the last televised electoral debate, which took place this Thursday in Atlantaprior to the general elections on November 5 in the country. Faced with a Donald Trump Visibly aggressive, mocking and with a strong discursive tone that denoted security, the current American president was stammering and had moments of stuttering and inconsistencies in many of his speeches. In fact, on several occasions, which generated enormous tension among the public, Biden He didn’t even finish his sentences. or did not connect the ideas effectively.

The nervous reactions from members of his own party and the American public at large, who argue that the president should withdraw from the electoral race Given his advanced age (81 years old, being the oldest president in US history) and his possible cognitive deterioration, it did not take long for them to skyrocket.

According to several American media outlets, Democrats are in a panic over the Biden’s obvious shortcomings in the debate and fear that this could seriously affect the party’s campaign before the next convention. “There is a deep, broad and very aggressive panic within the party“political analysts claim Joy Reid and John King based on statements from Democratic members.

The picture clueless and doubtful of the president is generating serious doubts in the country about his future as the Democratic candidate for the presidency of the Government in the July elections, to the point that some media are already pointing to a possible crisis within the party for this reason. Some of his colleagues have stated, in relation to what happened during the televised face-to-face, that “It would be a mistake to turn a blind eye. and deny reality.”

Thus, according to sources from within the party itself, Joe Biden projected an image of unpreparedness on Thursday, showing difficulties in communicating to the voters the progress that the country has experienced in recent years. For his part, according to the journalist and biographer of the president, Evan Osnosin the debate it was possible to appreciate “a handicapped person“, but with the ability to overcome their own setbacks and limitations.

On the other hand, the former Secretary of Housing during Barack Obama’s Government and Biden’s colleague, Julian Castroalleged through his account on X (formerly Twitter) that the president showed himself “not ready, lost and without enough strength to fight effectively with Trump, who has lied constantly“. Given Biden’s numerous and palpable weaknesses when it comes to defending his arguments and counteract your opponent’s fallaciesTrump responded by mocking his constant babbling and highlighting his flaws to humiliate him before the public.

The Vice President of the US Executive, Kamala Harris, came out in defense of his partner and tried to reduce the relevance of the events. Furthermore, he admitted that there were ““a slow start, but a strong finish” despite what he described as their “speaking styles.”

Probably the only Democrat who expressed satisfaction with Biden’s performance was his campaign manager, Jen O’Malley Dilonwho said that the president presented “a winning vision for the future of America, one in which every American has a fair chance to achieve the american dream“.

Joe Biden, satisfied with his performance in the debate

The one who does not seem excessively alarmed by what happened during the face-to-face meeting with Trump is Biden himself, who defended his actions in front of the media: “I think that “We have done well”said the president, who in turn admitted that he is with sore throats (which would explain his constant throat clearing during the debate).

On his possible withdrawal, which is increasingly present in the American public debate, Biden responded by attacking Trump. “No. But it’s hard to debate a liar. The New York Times “He said he lied 26 times,” he said before heading to North Carolina, where he will hold an election rally on Saturday.

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