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How many millions of pesos does the Mayan Train owe the union? – The financial

This Friday, the Transportistas Unidos group carried out a strike of transporters on different roads in Mexico, because The Government has not complied with the payment of the operations made on the Mayan Train.

Here we tell you how much the debt to the carriers is equivalent to.

How much is the debt of the Mayan Train to the transporters?

The debt what’s wrong with it he Mayan Train with the United Transporters organization It is 90 million pesosbecause the delivery of basalt has already been made by the suppliers, but the Government has not complied with the corresponding payment.

The coordinator of Transportistas Unidos, Marco Reyes, explained that ‘an attempted boycott’ was made when it was rumored that the deposits had already been made, a situation that caused many drivers to return to their homes and thus The demonstration could not be held at all points.

“They told him that an agreement had already been reached and that they had already deposited us, which is a lie. I guess it was an attempted boycott,” she said in a radio interview with Azucena Uresti.

“The only ones that are cancelled are those in Cuernavaca and Querétaro because they are far away,” he added.

What roads are transporters blocking today, June 28?

The Mexico-Puebla highway (heading to CDMX) is the only one that remains closed this Friday, June 18, due to protests by transporters, according to information from Capufe.

But the transporters have threatened to block circulation on 4 other roads, these are:

  • Mexico-Pachuca Highway (Directed to CDMX)
  • Veracruz-Puerto old hut
  • Merida-Cancun toll booth
  • Cancun Airport

However, the leader of the transporters pointed out that Roadblocks could be delayed because the protesters are gathered in Amozoc, the meeting point, because some are traveling from Veracruz, Puebla and Hidalgo.

“The time will only be extended a little while they arrive and we coordinate to move to different points,” he added.

Marco Reyes predicts that About 130 units will participate in this demonstration. by blocking the access booths.

He warned that These blocks will remain active until a response is obtained from the authorities.meaning that there is no known approximate time when the carriers could withdraw.

“We will not move until we are paid (…), we are not a violent movement, on the contrary. We hope that it reaches their ears and that the authorities help us,” said Marco Reyes.

“We will not move until we have some signal from the Government,” he added.

The Mayan Train is one of the most relevant projects of the six-year term of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, traveling a distance greater than 1,500 kilometers in the southeast of the country. For this, the Government put out to tender 5 sections between private companies and another two were assigned.

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