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Civil Protection warns of theft of highly toxic chlorine gas cylinders in Sonora and Baja California

Civil Protection alert for theft of highly toxic chlorine gas cylinders Credit: National Civil Protection Coordination

The National Civil Protection Coordination (CNPC) alerted the authorities of Baja California, Baja California Sur and Sonoro about the theft of cylinders of chlorine gas.

In total three silver cylinders with a capacity of 50 kilograms that were used for water purification were stolen from a treatment plant in the Los Encinos neighborhood, in Ensenada, Baja California. The serial numbers are unknown, because it was found next to product waste.

The risk level is high, as chlorine gas can be fatal if inhaled or absorbed through the skin. In this sense, the agency asked the state Civil Protection authorities to implement preventive actions to protect the population.

In particular, he recommended urging citizens not to tamper with the cylinders if they find them and to implement the measures outlined in the Emergency Response Guide.

This is what stolen chlorine gas cylinders look like (Photo: CNPC)

Meanwhile, state and municipal police are searching scrap yards, vacant lots and businesses where the material could be found. In addition, the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) and the National Guard will conduct inspections across the state where it was stolen.

The substance is harmful and corrosive to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Contact with it can cause a burning sensation, spasms in the muscles of the larynx, excessive tearing, coughing, nausea, difficulty breathing, blurred vision, among other effects.

In more serious cases it can cause pulmonary edema, chronic bronchitis, burns and tooth erosion. Additionally, if inhaled in concentrations greater than 1000 ppb, it can cause death.

Coming into contact with chlorine gas can be fatal (Photo: Special)

For this reason, the population was urged not to handle any of the cylinders and to immediately notify the authorities by calling 911. If the discovery occurs in Baja California, you can also call the state Civil Protection at 66 46 34 93 60 or the Municipal Civil Protection Unit of Ensenada at 64 61 73 97 10.

  • Eye contact: Immediately wash eyes thoroughly for at least 15 minutes with plenty of water. Lift and separate the eyelids to ensure removal of the chemical. If irritation persists, repeat the process.
  • Skin contact: Wash skin immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. If irritation persists, repeat the process.
  • Inhalation: Move the victim to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen and, if breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration (mouth-to-mouth). It is important to keep the person warm.
  • Ingestion: do not induce vomiting and wash out mouth with large amounts of water. If the victim is unconscious, discard the second recommendation.

In all cases, it is essential to seek medical attention. Once the person who was in contact with chlorine gas is stabilized, it is necessary for him or her to be evaluated by a toxicology specialist.

Chlorine gas theft in Mexico is often linked to demand for illicit activities and the reuse of cylinders or containers. This gas, commonly used in water treatment and industrial processes, can be stolen for sale on the black market. In addition, the lack of rigorous controls and insufficient surveillance in the distribution chain facilitate these criminal acts.

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