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A teacher and 16 students were poisoned with pepper spray – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

At noon yesterday sixteen students and a teacher from the former National School had to be treated for pepper spray poisoning.

A call to 911 alerted that at the school, students and teachers from one of the courses were showing signs of intoxication after a pepper spray canister had been accidentally detonated.

After arriving at the scene with SAMEC ambulances, immediate measures were taken to transport those affected.

Thus they arrived at the Maternal and Child Hospital where they were treated by emergency personnel.

About the topic Luis Angela hospital spokesman, told the press that 16 male and female students from the former national school and a teacher arrived at the hospital around 1 p.m. intoxicated with pepper spray, and were evaluated for pediatric emergency care.

In addition, a consultation was carried out with toxicology specialists who assessed the 16 patients. It was noted that they were stable, so it was determined that they should be discharged.

Angel stressed that it was the teaching staff accompanying the students who were responsible for contacting the students’ parents to have them pick up the students.

They were all removed from the hospital.

The toxicology department stressed the need to protect children from these elements, such as pepper spray, which is not sold in pharmacies but in markets and fairs, so care must be taken for what they may contain. On the other hand, although pepper spray is used for security reasons, in the hands of those who do not know how to handle it, it can cause some situations, such as the one that occurred at the former national school. On the other hand, someone had pepper spray, the safety catch came off and SAMEC and the hospital, accompanied by school directors and the toxicology team, warn that the self-defense element should not be used by children, but it is available in markets and usually has toxic elements that people who have asthma or allergy problems should be careful with.

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