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Weekend of snow and sea: snowfall forecast for Mar del Plata and the Atlantic Coast | A yellow alert is also in effect

The citizens of Mar del Plata and several seaside towns in the province of Buenos Aires are waiting for the chance of rain and snow for this Friday night and early Saturday morning.

The National Meteorological Service (SMN) predicted Several days with low temperatures in the Atlantic Coast regionwith the probability of rain and even snow falla event that has not occurred for almost 10 years.

The last timeThe happydressed in white was on September 11, 2015just a few days before the beginning of spring, when winter said goodbye with a surprise snowfall in the early hours of the morning, and hundreds of citizens enjoyed seeing the streets and beaches dyed a whitish color during the morning.

Another important snowfall in the region, most remembered by its citizens, occurred August 1, 1991On that occasion, the cities of Miramar, Pinamar, Claromecó and Mar del Plata, among others, were covered in a white blanket up to 30 centimeters high.

(Image: X/@FotosFamiliaMdP)

In Sierra de los Padres, in the interior of the province of Buenos Aires, snowflakes also fell and formed a layer of snow almost 60 centimetres high, according to media reports at the time.

The forecast for Mar del Plata and its surroundings for this weekend

According to the national organization, a maximum of 8 degreeswithin the framework of a day that would be developed with showers from early morning and throughout the day. Meanwhile, the minimum temperature would drop to 5 degrees at night, the wind would blow from the Southwest, and there is 70 percent chance of rain and snow in the early morning.

(Image: SMN screenshot)

Meanwhile, for Saturday, a particularly cold day is expected, with a minimum of 3 degrees and a maximum of 8. Likewise, the SMN forecasts for the Early morning and morning rain and snowwith light winds, and afternoon showers.

As for the Sunday, the temperature will drop even further, reaching a minimum of 2 degrees, but rain and snowfall are not expected. The maximum will be 11 degrees, and the sky will remain partly cloudy throughout the day.

(Image: SMN screenshot)

Yellow alert on the Atlantic Coast

The matches of the Atlantic Coast will also be affected this Friday by winds from the south sectorwith speeds between 30 and 50 km/h gusts that can reach 70 km/haccording to the SMN.

For this reason, the national body issued a yellow alert, to warn citizens about possibilities of damage and risks. The agency’s recommendations are: avoid outdoor activities, secure items that can fly, and stay informed by official authorities. In addition, he suggests always having an emergency backpack ready with a flashlight, radio, documents and telephone.

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