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Is snow coming to Mar del Plata this morning?

Well wrapped up, cold but also with the expectation of what this morning may bring in Mar del Plata and its surroundings, where snow is lurking and if all the conditions are met it could appear in some corner of this area.

Forecasts agree that almost all the conditions are in place for those white flakes to once again be reunited with these streets and neighborhoods of Mar del Plata after many years.

The warning from those who know the most about the subject is that it is much more likely that snow or its variants, be it sleet or graupel, will appear first and more safely in the periphery and higher areas, such as Sierra de los Padres.

The Teleocho Informa mobile phone approached those highest areas of the district late this Friday night and encountered the first situations of sleet. José Javier Merlo, the meteorology expert, assured that the snow “is about to fall” and that there are also many expectations in the Balcarce area.

As it has also been clarified that the path will be marked by other nearby towns but located further south of Mar del Plata. In fact, Miramar already sang this Friday afternoon with the presence of a kind of hail.

Meanwhile the rain, which is not a good companion for the snow. But it is estimated that in the middle of the morning those coincidental elements may appear to allow us to see again even a hint of that magical thing that occurred more than three decades ago, on August 1, 1991, with a historic snowfall over Mar del Plata.

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