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A New York Times editorial called on Joe Biden to give up his candidacy to “serve the country”

The newspaper The New York Timesthrough an editorial, this Friday asked the president of the United States, Joe Biden, to resign his candidacy to continue leading the White House, after the questions he received for his performance in the electoral debate against his opponent Donald Trump.

“To serve his country, the president Biden should drop out of the race“, headlined the newspaper that, in its analysis, exposed the “weaknesses” of the 81-year-old candidate “impaired by the age factor”“. In this regard, it was noted that the president “hesitated on several occasions in his presentation, uttered disjointed phrases and introduced inaccurate data.”

“It is too big a gamble to simply expect Americans to overlook or dismiss Mr. Biden’s age and weakness,” highlighted the outlet, which, at the same time, was also responsible for clarifying that the request to the Democrat is not a compliment to Trump, but quite the opposite: They consider it a common enemy.

Regarding Biden, despite his critical tone, the Times noted: “He has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a series of long-term challenges, as well as the wounds opened by Trump, which thanks to him have begun to heal.”

However, currently, the newspaper considered that the President “He is no longer the man he was four years ago” and failed during the debate to “convince the American public that he was up to the formidable demands.”

“The greatest public service Biden can do right now is to announce that he will no longer run for reelection,” the Times said of the Nov. 5 election.

The New York Times also pointed out the “danger” of a possible return of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States.

In another section of the editorial, the newspaper also considered that a hypothetical return of Trump to the presidency would represent a “danger” that would compromise “the future of American democracy,” if he carries out “his most extreme promises and threats.”

Donald Trump wants to return to the presidency of the United States. Photo Parker Michels-Boyce/Bloomberg.

Along the same lines, the newspaper had harsh adjectives towards the former president of the White House between 2017 and 2021. It called him “an erratic, self-interested figure unworthy of public trust and a candidate defined by his lies.”

“It is a tragedy that Republicans themselves did not do more soul-searching after the debate (…) He lied blatantly and repeatedly about his own actions, his record as president and his opponent,” the newspaper concluded.

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