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Nicolás Buenfil is nervous about meeting his grandfather, former president Ernesto Zedillo

In an interview with the program “Come Joy”, Nicolas Buenfil She said she is nervous about meeting her grandfather Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León, because she feels that he is “very imposing.”

Nicolás also acknowledged that he looks a lot like the former president. “They say I’m identical. It’s going to be a very strange experience for me.”

On the other hand, he commented that he agrees and feels comfortable with things being made public, such as the photos that were published a few months ago where he appears with his father and his sister at a family gathering, a meeting that took place after many years, since Nicolás had not known his father nor had he lived with his paternal family.

“It’s amazing. I love things being made public and I’m used to it more than anything, it’s very difficult. You don’t know when you’re going to receive criticism, but I already know how to control it well,” he said. Nicholas Buenfil.

For its part, Erika Buenfil He said that he agrees with his son’s desire to meet his grandfather, “he is very interested, and later on, for him to feel that presence, it will be interesting for them to contact him, but that one day it will happen, and that it will not be “He is left with the desire to meet his grandfather.”

The actress mentioned that the recent meeting of Nicholas Buenfil with his father it was due to the desire of his half-sisters, who expressed to their father their desire to meet him.

“I didn’t look for him, it was through the girls, they met and then Ernesto looked for me and told me, ‘my daughters want to meet Nicolas’, and I already passed the phone to them. And through that they began to communicate.”

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