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He dies trapped in his car after a road accident in Villanueva del Duque


Firefighters were unable to do anything to save the victim’s life; the accident took place this Friday, on the N-502, towards Alcaracejos

File image of a firefighters intervention in an accident abc


Updated at 09:42h.

A person has deceased in a traffic accident recorded on Friday afternoon on the N-502 highway in Villanueva del Duquein the province of Córdoba, according to a statement from the Emergency Coordination Centre (Cecem 112).

The accident took place at around 8:20 p.m., according to the information provided by the Civil Guard to the 112 Telephone. The incident occurred in the kilometer 370 from the N-502 highway, where a driver he got caught inside his vehicle after suffering a accident in the direction of Alcaracejos.

Firefighters from Pozoblanco went to the scene to rescue the victimof whom no further details have been released at the moment. He died at the scene of the accident and nothing could be done to save his life, according to Emergencies 112 Andalusia. It was the sole occupant vehicle.

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