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Government allocates around 450 million pesos to avoid increases in the main fuels; increases Avtur, Kerosene and Fuel Oil

Santo Domingo, June 28 – The Vice Minister of Domestic Trade, Ramón Pérez Fermín, reported that the government of the Dominican Republic remains firm in its commitment to the well-being of all Dominicans, and for this reason, this week, from June 29 to July 5, it has decided to maintain the extraordinary subsidy on fuel prices to protect your family economy.

This means that regular diesel will be subsidized by almost 29 pesos per gallon, optimal diesel more than 23 pesos, regular gasoline more than 9 pesos, premium gasoline more than 15 pesos and LPG more than 14 pesos. “We know that increases in international crude oil prices directly affect our domestic economies, our pockets, and that is why we are making a great effort that we estimate for this week alone will be close to 450 million, with the sole purpose of ensuring that these increases reach you,” said the vice minister.

For the week of June 29 to July 5, 2024, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and SMEs orders that fuels be marketed at the following prices:

Premium Gasoline will be sold at RD$290.10 per gallon and maintains its price.

Regular Gasoline RD$272.50 per gallon maintains its price.

Regular Diesel RD$221.60 per gallon maintains its price.

Gasoil Óptimo RD$239.10 per gallon maintains its price.

Avtur RD$205.58 per gallon increases RD$2.27.

Kerosene RD$236.00 per gallon increases RD$2.36.

Fuel Oil #6 RD$165.62 per gallon increases RD$1.57.

Fuel Oil 1%S RD$183.79 per gallon rises RD$3.23.

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) RD$132.60 per gallon maintains its price.

Natural Gas RD$43.97 per m3 maintains its price.

The average weekly exchange rate is RD$59.14 according to the daily publications of the Central Bank.

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