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Mario Alcudia: ”Saint Peter and Saint Paul, examples for living the faith in an authentic and passionate way” – La Linterna de La Iglesia

Tomorrow we will celebrate the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, who are undoubtedly the two great pillars of the Catholic Church. Two very different characters. Peter, the rough and rugged fisherman, with little education, somewhat visceral in his behavior and very strong-willed; the first to confess faith in Christ, on whom the Lord founded his Church.

Meanwhile, Paul, a cultured Pharisee, perhaps somewhat arrogant, who after his conversion became, Thanks to his courage and creativity, he became a propagator of the faith and founder of the first Christian communities.

While it is true that Peter was the first disciple to preach the Gospel, Paul would establish himself as the apostle of the Gentiles. This even cost them some disagreements in Antioch.

But despite being so different, they shared the essentials. They lived and acted moved by the Spirit of the Lord. And his figure and his testimony become very relevant to our lives.

Welcoming his Word we become his friends

Their lives are vigorous testimonies of strength and perseverance in faith and their sacrifice has left an indelible mark on the history of Christianity, inspiring our lives as Christians. QHedrus and Paul suffered persecution; both died as martyrs for the cause of Christ. However, their faith never wavered. That is why the power of his teachings and his life strengthens our faith. Every June 29, we celebrate his spiritual legacy and renew our commitment to follow his example of faith and courage. Because his example reminds us that the Church is founded on the love of Christ and that our simple lives, like his, can become extraordinary instruments in the hands of the Lord.

Peter’s testimony inspires us to live our faith with courage, knowing that, no matter our weaknesses, we can find forgiveness and strength in Christ. His example shows us that when asked “Who is Jesus to me?” It is not enough to respond with an impeccable doctrinal formula. Following the Lord is how we learn to know Him; By accepting his Word we become his friends and experience his transforming love. In short, we must be a Church that follows him, that desires to be a disciple of the Lord and a humble servant of the Gospel.

The Apostle to the Gentiles reminds us that we grow in faith

For his part, Paul’s response was the announcement. His life teaches us that our past does not matter; The Lord always waits for us to become instruments of his grace, the announcement of the Gospel. For him too, everything began by grace, with the initiative of God. On the road to Damascus. Furthermore, Saint Paul’s courage in the face of adversity encourages us to defend our faith and bring the message of Christ’s love to the world in time; You know, evangelize in time and out of time. The Apostle to the Gentiles reminds us that we grow in faith and in knowledge of the mystery of Christ the more we are his heralds and witnesses. This always happens: when we evangelize, we are evangelized.

The Pope entrusts the intercession of these saints for the people who suffer

Therefore, the feast of the apostles Peter and Saint Paul, apparently so different but, in reality, so similar, inspire us to live our faith authentically and passionately. They guide our path and remind us that, with the grace of God, We can overcome any obstacle to be living witnesses of Christ’s love in the world.

On this day of These pillars of the Church, of course, we have a special memory and prayer for that witness of the Gospel that unites us with the first testimony of the apostles. and that is a sign of unity, charity and communion throughout the church: Pope Francis: ”Cum Petro et sub Petro”. This same week, the Pope entrusted to the intercession of Saints Peter and Paul, for the people who suffer from war so that they may soon find peacewhile praying for all of us that the example of these giants of faith may transform us into missionary disciples, capable of bearing witness everywhere to the beauty of the Gospel.

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