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“It wasn’t the best way”

Until just a few months ago, the name of Carlo Costanzia It was limited to the world of entertainment. Mar Flores’ eldest son, famous since his birth in 1992, had developed a career in acting, fashion and music, otherwise far from the media spotlight. But this has changed in 2024, where he has become one of the great protagonists of the social chronicle due to news about his personal life. The latest, his future fatherhood with Alejandra Rubio, an issue that has received major attention from coated paper. Charles has recently clarified some of the issues that have been discussed the most in recent days. Between them, the relationship with his mother, which has been talked about a lot.

Carlos Costanzia clarifies the truth about the exclusive of Alejandra Rubio’s pregnancy

Carlo Costanzia clarifies all speculations about Alejandra Rubio’s pregnancy

The news of the pregnancy of María Teresa Campos’ granddaughter, revealed in an exclusive interview with ¡Hola! magazine has created an absolutely unbridled stir in recent days, in which the press has sought not only the protagonists but also the reactions of anyone around them. Although they moved away in the first days, on a vacation along the Balearic and Alicante coasts, they soon reappeared. Alejandra, in ‘This is life’, the program in which she regularly collaborates and Carlo, sitting down for the third time on the set of ‘Friday!’ to speak out on everything that has been discussed in the media these days.

His first step through the Telecinco format served to narrate the most complicated episodes of his childhood and youth, vindicating the need to emphasize mental health. The second interview was motivated by the many speculations about the situation of his brothers Pietro and Rocco, arrested in Italy after their involvement in an attack. The last one, yesterday, to delve into the details of what has been discussed these days, in which, beyond good wishes for the couple, it has been generated an abundant number of criticisms.

The truth about how Mar Flores found out about the paternity of her son

One of the most talked about topics has been the bond between mother and childIn his words to ¡Hola!, the actor explained that I had told him “a couple of weeks ago”almost at the same time” to Mar already Carlo Costanzia di Costigliole, his father. “It shocked her a little more but she took it very well,” he revealed in the interview, adding that the model was “super happy” and assured them that she would help them in everything. But during her time on ‘¡De viernes!’, Costanzia He admitted that this was not the case: his mother and his environment They found out about the pregnancy the day before before the exclusive was published.

Mar Flores, when asked by Alejandra Rubio and Carlo Costanzia: “My position is this”

Carlo admits that I would have liked to tell him in person and in another situation, but “unfortunately, the situation happened like this.” And he admits that I could have done things better: “It’s not the best way, surely, I would have loved to tell him in another way.” The model and musician has stressed that It’s not that he didn’t trust the people in his circle. more intimate, but it was simply his way of doing things. “Alejandra must have had her time to talk to her family and I have had mine,” she said.

Carlo Costanzia defends his mother, Mar Flores, and reveals what she will be like as a grandmother

Furthermore, the artist He has defended his mother’s position Regarding not speaking out in front of the cameras or the press in recent days after learning of his future paternity. “She has another ‘approaches‘ with this world, It seems very legitimate to me that he does not want to speak about this or that in front of the cameras he wants to remain silent,” he explained, revealing that He has spoken “at length” with her on these issues.

Finally, she has completely ruled out that her mother has asked her not to talk about her publicly. “I think that the little I talk about it is very good, like the relationship I have with her“, he concluded, describing the link as “great“. Asked about how he imagines it when his first grandchild is born, Costanzia has also been very clear: “She will be a beautiful, beautiful grandmother and with tremendous class,” he said.

This is how Mar Flores’ five children have grown up

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