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Sofía Mazagatos finally talks about her time with Mar Flores and also clarifies what her relationship with her husband, Tito Pajares, is like.

After ten years without speaking, Sofía Mazagatos returned to television last week. She gave an in-depth interview in Friday! in which she spoke of the pain she felt when she lost her baby after eight months of pregnancy and the other side of the coin after becoming a mother at the age of 49 to her “miracle” named Amanda. Now, seven days later, he has returned to the same set to clarify some points and above all, her relationship with her husband, Tito Pajares.

© Telecinco

As soon as the aforementioned program began around 10:00 p.m., Santi Acosta appeared with Sofía Mazagatos and asked her a clear and concise question: “Why have you decided to return to television now, ten years later?” which the interviewee has answered: “Why not? When you started the program you called me to be the godmother, but I was already heavily pregnant. Then you kept calling me and convincing me, and I thought that now is a good time. Telecinco gave me opportunities to work from a young age and why not.” She even clarified that if she has not appeared on television during this time it is not because her partner has prevented her from doing so: “I choose that way of life. Just as I focused on my profession body and soul, I decide to focus on my maternity also in body and soul.”

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She also wanted to explain that after her difficult pregnancy process in which she lost her eight-month-old baby and in which over the course of ““Five years and eight attempts, the miracle called Amada arrived.” A very painful time that has made me return to television to send a hopeful message to all those women who are searching for a child: “Recently an article came out by a psychologist talking about late motherhood as is my case and I thought Why not? Say hello again, how are you, I’m great, I’ve overcome my fears and an important tragedy. Being able to send a message of hope to so many couples who are struggling to have a baby and that in my case is not that easy. I have known face A, b, c… and the result has been positive”.

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When she recounted the very difficult path she has lived to finally hold her two daughters in her arms, collaborator Patricia Pérez could not contain her emotion and tears came to her eyes. A moment in which, in the silence of the set, she confessed that she was not a mother because she could not: “I am not a mother because I cannot and I have tried many times. I decided not to be one because it is a very hard process, that is why I admire you and why That excites me to see how you talk about your partner. It puts me at ease.” A few words that the former model and businesswoman wanted to highlight: “My partner grabbed my hand and said, lean on me. This is the way”.

© Telecinco

Another point that was left up in the air and that she wanted to clarify is her relationship with her husband, denying a possible crisis: “We’re fine. He doesn’t like me being here today, but in all couples there are moments of consensus and reaching agreements, why shouldn’t I be?”. Some words in which she has also confessed that her very difficult motherhood process has taken its toll on them at times: “I have had eight attempts that have not been easy. The couple sometimes resents each other, but tragic moments also unite if the relationship is really. Our relationship is bombproof. We have had many bombs during. more than 15 years and we are still here.

With these statements she settled the rumors that she and Tito Pajares are in bad shape. In fact, the former model has stressed that in recent years she has had ups and downs with her partner, but that they continue together and in love with her. In a relationship of more than fifteen years, for us to continue, there is first a lot of lovethere is a common project both for us as life partners, and for our daughters and their son. “Sometimes there are better or worse moments and the important thing is to overcome it.”

© Gtres

His relationship with Mar Flores

In the middle of the conversation, the presenter wanted to change the subject and move on to the block of friendship between the businesswoman and Mar Flores. In fact, Sofia began this round of questions by congratulating her on the paternity of her son Carlo: “The arrival of a baby, what can I say to you? Congratulations, I hope everything is going great with Alejandra, and Terelu, who is a wonderful woman, will be an even better grandmother.” When asked what happened between the former models, the interviewee tried not to go into too much detail: “FIt’s part of prehistory, I don’t remember, thirty years have passed. Nothing to do with a man, the book of tastes is wide and so is the book of colors. “If instead of having been women we had been men, this wouldn’t be talking about.”

He continued explaining very clearly what he thinks about this matter.: “It’s pathetic that after thirty or 25 years we still talk about it. We were young. We were partners for a year, which is normal at that age. We never fought over a man. It has been said that I was jealous of her.” A subject that she wanted to end by assuring that she is happy and does not want to remember certain things: “I am in another moment, in another more positive attitude. I live in the present of a wonderful future and not in the past.”

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