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Gay Pride Day: PNP reaffirms its commitment to equality and diversity | Gay Pride Day | PNP | LGTBIQ | PERU

The National Police of Peru spoke out this morning to reaffirm his commitment to equality and diversity in the midst of Gay Pride month, which has June 28 as its central day.

Through social media, the institution expressed that it will strive to ensure that everyone can live free from discrimination and for a more “inclusive” and “fair” society.

“We reaffirm our duty to serve and protect every human being, without any discrimination, ensuring that everyone can live with dignity and freedom. Let’s continue moving together towards a more inclusive and fair society. LGBTIQ+”the post reads.

The XXII ‘Pride March’ will take place TOMORROW, Saturday, June 29. The gathering will start at 3 pm on De la Peruanidad Avenue.

After the continuation, the route will continue through Guzmán Blanco, Óvalo Bolognesi, then it will go to Alfonso Ugarte Avenue to surround Plaza Dos de Mayo and continue along Nicolás de Piérola Avenue until it reaches Garcilaso Avenue. Afterwards, you will go down Wilson to 28 de Julio Avenue, where you will return to Peruanidad Avenue.

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