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UNCo received a gas bill for more than 23 million pesos

UNCo rector Beatriz Gentile inaugurated the Land Surveying Engineering School in Zapala, the only one in Patagonia. She reported that the gas bill for May amounts to 23,800,000 pesos.

Neuquén.- “In the face of financial hardship and lack of funding, we will continue to open courses,” because “we get out of crises by moving forward, never backward,” said the rector of the National University of Comahue (UNCo), Beatriz Gentile, at the official inauguration of a new undergraduate course, Surveying Engineering, which was added to the academic offering of the brand new Zapala Regional University Center (CREUZA).

“Faced with a gas bill that costs us 23,800,000 pesos, we will continue to build a future,” added Gentile, clarifying that “the university does not guarantee equality but it makes it possible to think of a horizon of equality.”

The quote on the gas bill corresponds to UNCo’s consumption in May, which came with an increase of 143.3% compared to the April cost, which was 9,782,791 pesos, and 8,514% in relation to the March bill. , when the cost represented 276,275 pesos.

The rector said that “the university is not in crisis” but “the system and those who question the fact that not everyone can access higher education” are. We, she continued, “have to create the conditions for equality.”

The opening ceremony of the new race took place on Friday the 28th in the afternoon at the CREUZA headquarters. The ceremony was led, in addition to the rector, by the director of the UNCo headquarters in Zapala, Graciela Bianchini and the dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Ana Basset. Also present were the Minister of Education of the Province of Neuquén, Soledad Martínez, the mayors Carlos Kopmann of Zapala and Javier Huillipan of Mariano Moreno, as well as the president of the Professional College of Surveying, Guillerno Martínez.

Bianchini highlighted the recovery of the hierarchy for Zapala in the last University Assembly, which returned the category of Regional Center with which it was born and which had been taken away by the civil-military dictatorship in 1978 when it transformed that site, among others, into a University Settlement. “A Settlement depends on a Faculty; now we do not have restrictions on the offer in the areas of knowledge,” Bianchini highlighted, highlighting one of the substantial differences between the Settlement and the Regional Center.

He reported that Surveying Engineering is unique in Patagonia and highlighted that the subjects of the first two years are common with the rest of the engineering courses.

Also speaking at this event were the Dean of Engineering, who defended the role of the public university, and the Minister of Education, who defined yesterday’s ceremony as “a moment to celebrate the State” because the university, she added, “today is threatened.” ”.

With Surveying Engineering, UNCo added its 78th undergraduate degree.

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