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Extreme cold in AMBA and snow in Mar del Plata: how the weather will continue this weekend


You have to take out the jackets, scarves and hats. The low temperatures They were strongly felt on Friday night and also on Saturday morning throughout the country, and will remain that way over the weekend. The intense cold even caused it to fall in some places on the Buenos Aires coast. snow at dawn.

The records of National Meteorological System (SMN) They showed this Saturday that the thermometer In most of Argentina it did not reach 10 degrees; the only indicator above that metric was recorded in the south of San Juan, with 13. Meanwhile, in the west of Santa Cruznear the Cordillera, was -10 grades. This province, on the map of extreme cold drawn by the entity, is painted in red color due to extreme coldwhich implies that the conditions generate a high to extreme effect on healththat is, they can be very dangerous because it is possible that they affect all people, even healthy ones.

Temperatures in the country on Saturday morningSMN

Meanwhile, a large number of territories are tinged with yellowwith a mild to moderate effect on health, with the chance that the temperatures are dangerous, especially for risk groups, such as boys and girls, and people over 65 years of age and with chronic illnesses.

This happens in the city and province of Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, the center and south of Currentsthe north of Santa Fethe southeast of Santiago del Esterothe southwest of Cordova, The Pampathe northwest of Neuquen, Mendoza, San Juan, La Rioja, Catamarca, Tucumánthe east of Jujuythe east of Chubut and of Santa Cruzand Land of Fire.

The various factors came together so that on Friday night various social media users reported that Sleet fell in Mar del Plata and Sierra de los Padres. The Mar del Plata newspaper The capital I had already reported that this weekend could occur snowfall in the city, motivated above all by the drizzles and rains that occurred throughout Friday there.

However, SMN technicians had warned that it would be a low-intensity phenomenon with no accumulation.

In the city of Buenos Aires and the metropolitan area this Saturday the minimum was 2 degrees and the maximum will only reach 10, while tomorrow Sunday the temperature will fluctuate between 2 and 14 degrees. These conditions will continue during the week but not as extreme. The minimum temperatures on the rest of the days will be between 7 and 8 degrees, and the maximum temperatures may reach 16 on Monday and Tuesday, always with clear to partly cloudy sky.

The week that ends, meanwhile, generated a polar wave in the south of the country that made the national government have to arrange Help for those affected due to snow. According to information from Javier’s management Mileithey were sent food and blankets to Chubut, Neuquén and Santa Cruz. In addition, a truck with clothes and shoes will be sent to Black river.

“Is the most serious storm in the last 60 years, with intense snowfall and extreme cold,” indicated from the Ministry of Human Capital.

In addition, the Vice Chief of Staff authorized two transfers of Contributions from the National Treasury (ATN) for Santa Cruz and Chubut, for 3,000 million pesos to each province, as well as coordinated a winter assistance and maintenance operation of national and provincial routes in both jurisdictions to ensure traffic safety, connection and supply to the main towns.


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