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minute by minute of the route of the Gay March in CDMX and Edomex

Follow minute-by-minute all the details of the LGBT March that will take place this Saturday, June 29 in Mexico City, Edomex, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Guanajuato and more.

What time does the LGBT March in CDMX start?

  • Day: Today Saturday June 29, 2024
  • What time will it be? 10:00, Mexico City time

Roads closed in CDMX today for Gay March 2024

  • Angel of Independence
  • Reform
  • Little Horse Tower
  • Plinth
  • Juarez Avenue
  • May 5th

Mexico City dresses up in rainbows this Saturday, June 29, for the LGBT+ March 2024, an event that celebrates diversity and fights for the rights of the LGBT+ community. From very early on, thousands of people begin to gather at the Ángel de la Independencia and other points in CDMX and Edomex to begin a journey full of color, music and messages of inclusion.

The annual commemoration of the LGBT pride It originated in the United States and began, like many other movements, Following intense protests calling for justice and respect to the individual guarantees of the homosexual community.

As the years went by, the meaning of Pride It has become a celebration of diversity and free expression of the individuality that each of us has the right to develop.

When is the LGBT Pride march in CDMX?

The preparations for the 46th edition of the Pride March LGTTTIQAP+ have already taken their course. The Collective of Civil Organizations of the march announced the date on which the event will take place in Mexico City.

Through social networks, the organization indicated that the 2024 LGBT March is scheduled for on Saturday, June 29th.

What time is Gay March 2024?

  • CDMX – Contingent meeting from 10:00 a.m., departure at 12:00 p.m.

Where does the 2024 Gay March come from?

  • At the height of the Angel of Independence, on Paseo de la Reforma Avenue in the center of CDMX

What is the route of the Gay March 2024?

The March will start from the Angel of Independence in the direction of Capital Zócalo. It will pass through the following roads:

  • Reforma Walk
  • Juarez Avenue
  • Central axis
  • 5th of May Street
  • Zocalo of the city of mexico

What artists perform at the end of the 2024 Gay March route?

  • Kevin Roldan
  • Lucia Mendez
  • Many other guests

What is the schedule of the 2024 Gay March in other states?

Since mid-June, the gay pride parade and its derivatives have been held. Therefore, most of the marches have already taken place. The Mexico Cityis the agglomeration that brings together the most people for this type of events.

For example, in Edomex it took place on Saturday, June 22, and in Monterrey it happened on May 25, 2024.

What is the origin of The LGBT+ March?

In New York, on Christopher Street, at the Stonewall Inn bar, One of the few gay bars in New York, clashes between homosexuals and police broke out on the night of June 27-28, 1969, a consequence of the accumulated police violence that was common at that time.

Towards the end of the sixties of the last century, Puritan legislation prohibited the transvestism and dancing between menThese clashes led to five days of riots in Greenwich Village, a district of New York City.

The First Gay Pride March and its derivatives were held this way, a year after the Stonewall riots, in 1970.

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