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Txema Blasco Etxeguren, a record-breaking actor and an ambassador from Vitoria

Death comes when you least expect it. However soon it may seem to us. Txema Blasco is no longer with us, but it seems like it was yesterday when we were listening to him laugh and make jokes for the last time, connecting one answer with another and finding brilliantly funny points in everything and everyone. His humor was innate. Pure philosophy.

Txema, you are gone, but only in a small part. Your wit and personality will always live on among those of us who were lucky and honoured to know you. We still can’t believe that you are no longer here, but you will always remain among those of us who loved you. Because you are impossible to forget.

Although he hasn’t even had time to turn 83 (he did so on July 13), Txema Blasco goes down in history as the Alava actor par excellence. A self-made man. In love with theater, as an actor and director, who after a lifetime on the stages of Alava wanted to take the step towards professionalism and faced, at the age of 50, a path full of obstacles that cost him as many successes as disappointments. He became one of the best supporting actors on the Spanish scene. He didn’t have it easy. Going to Madrid and living in boarding houses with other actors like Javier Gutiérrez or Tomás del Estal had ups and downs, hardness and seams.

Much of his success was due to his friendliness, humility and a quick mind that knew no bounds. He attributed this to the more than 4,400 performances he had performed as a clown with the Txetti Brothers, many of them as a couple with his inseparable Tito Aldama, who was also partner of bertsolaris like Xabier Amuriza or a member of the legendary group Hertzainak. Txetti, Italian style, with ‘Txe’ by Txema and ‘Ti’ by Tito. What a couple, as crazy as they are brilliant!

Many of the performances of this duo of clowns were selfless. Txema learned the trade from Ramón Jiménez ‘Zape’, the incarnation of the character Ramontxu, whom he accompanied one day to the Leza sanatorium. The figure of the clown captivated Txema and his appearance became the mischievous child within him, the one who climbed onto the roofs of Calle Rioja number 20 to perform impossible balances and observe his city through the eyes of someone who had never seen it before.

While making people laugh, the restless Txema Blasco stood out in his beloved theater. He combined this co-substantial hobby with audiovisual productions that at that time were emerging in a peripheral city but eager for cinematographic material. It was the 70s and he participated in a 16-millimeter production with the title ‘El Samantecas’, directed by Del Val. His role rose in rank in the first super eight cinema with direct sound that was made in Vitoria-Gasteiz. It was Ramón Aguirrezabal who directed ‘El cura alavés’ in Narvaja, well accompanied by a large group of local filmmakers.

Txema combined hobbies with the accounting profession in Aranzábal and was a lynx with typing and as a course seller at CCC. But he also participated in documentaries for history such as the Burgos trial, in 1979, directed by Imanol Uribe. Or notable films like Tasio (Montxo Armendariz, 1984) and Alas de Mariposa, by the brilliant Juanma Bajo Ulloa, in 1991. That was the year in which he also participated in Vacas, perhaps his favorite film. After finishing it and asking Julio Médem if he saw him as a professional actor, the affirmative response from the San Sebastian director transformed the lives of Txema and his family, whom he promised would never lack for anything. And from there to being another member of the house in the series ‘Cuéntame’, a fact that made him known in all Spanish homes.

According to Wikipedia, up to 103 television series and 82 feature films have received his wise contributions. Because Txema was not one to say yes to everything and he constantly proposed solutions or ideas to the directors who tried to guide him. Improvisation was one of his main assets. That and the fact that the screen loved him. Personally, I’ll stick with the best interpretation I’ve ever seen anyone give of the knight of the sad figure in Las locos de Don Quijote (Rafael Alcázar, 2006). What diction, what a way to make actor and character coincide in the same tone, aligned!

In his progress, what Txema really wanted was for his father to feel proud of him. He was able to prove it when he discovered that his mother kept clippings of all his successes, articles and interviews of him. Despite how unfair the profession was to him at times, he was always willing to help anyone who needed it. His generosity was so great that, without eating or drinking it, he became the Spanish actor who has shot the most short films. It is difficult to give figures. He may have been around 200. He did not do it with the intention of breaking records, but with the mission of helping new directors who intended to provide their initial productions with a first sword, someone with experience. Among them he supported the origins of Kepa Sojo, Unax Ugalde or Paul Urkijo and was always aware of their evolution and progress. As well as his beloved Patxi Bisquert and Karra Elejalde, among others.

Txema Blasco was, above all, a pro from Vitoria. In love with his traditions, Alavés, Baskonia and Araski. Accompanying the lantern procession with his beloved White Virgin until his legs allowed him was a joy for him. He boasted about his land wherever he went and was rewarded, even beyond the Pyrenees. Certainly introverted but at the same time with an overflowing personality. Authentic Vitorian, solitary, fighter, upright, kind, independent, irreducible, difficult to control, close, autonomous, brilliant, humble, honest… to the last consequences.

The Celedón de Oro in 2020 was the award that excited him the most. He was looking for it but he was reluctant. He had doubts but he got it. There were many of us who celebrated it. We knew how important it was for him. Celedones de Oro also dedicated an exclusive documentary about his life to him and the publication Urrezko, directed by Jesús Prieto Mendaza. Today we are all a little more orphaned. When our friends die, a part of us dies too.

In Alegría-Dulantzi a theater bears his name. When will one be in his beloved Vitoria-Gasteiz? The effects of the vaccine prevented him from approaching La Llanada this year. But it did allow him to receive a well-deserved tribute, accompanied by his inseparable daughter Marta, in a packed BIZAN Zaramaga, a special place for him. And he for his people.

The Navarrese film director and composer Alfredo J. Espinal, author of the short Nidels, a mix of animation and real cinema, in which Txema is the protagonist, came there. Eloy González Gavilán supported by viewing a selection of short films, among which were “The Hearing Aid”, “Appointment with Death”, “Posturas”, “Walker” and “I’m Something for You”, one of the last shorts in which participated, directed by González Gavilán himself, a historic representative of Alava cinema. The Zamorano director also directed Txema in important documentaries for the city such as “200 years ago The Battle of Vitoria”, from 2013.

Two years earlier, a retrospective exhibition of posters, also at BIZAN Zaramaga and five months of screening served as a review of the best performances of the great Txema Blasco on the big and small screen. Week after week he did not miss a single session. Until COVID-19 made an appearance. After a costly recovery, he moved his life to the Sagrada Familia de Cucho residence, in Treviño, where he has spent his last stage, supported by professionals and family.

With the memory of his children Marta, Oscar, Yoset and Gaizka. And his grandchildren, who were always on his lips: Javier, Íñigo, Aimar, Uxue and Aiala. He also did not forget his siblings Jesús María and Blanca in his conversations. And much less the mother of his children and life partner, Rosa Zuloaga, who always kept an eye on him. Another user, Visi, walked with him through the halls of the residence. Rest in peace TXEMA BLASCO ETXEGUREN, actor by nature, ambassador of witty humour, a true Vitorian and a good person.

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