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Fishermen’s Day: Guardians of sustainability and tradition at sea

The first fishing season of 2023 was suspended in June. – Credit Infobae/Andina Composition

Who do we think of when we talk about a fisherman? Perhaps the first image that comes to mind is a person in a small boat and with a rope working in an artisanal way to catch the catch of the day. That mental image, in some way, reminds us of the essence of this economic activity: the effort of the men and women of the sea. Fishing has a very special cultural hold in the communities of the Peruvian coast and has evolved over the years to become one of the main activities that drive the country’s economy.

Fishermen, main actors in this sector, they know and understand the sea better than anyone, they know the difficulties and challenges faced in each fishing task and the importance of their role in society. In the industrial fishing sector we see, every fishing season, the enthusiasm and pride that fishermen feel when they embark to work for their families and their fellow crew members, who become family during the time they spend together at sea.

The work of the fisherman has evolved over time. To be a fisherman is to be a guardian of the sea Being on the front line and understanding the changes that occur in marine ecosystems is vital to ensuring the sustainability of resources. Providing them with knowledge and tools is essential to continue promoting the balance between the livelihood of thousands of fishermen and a productive sea for many more years.

The work of the fisherman also has an impact on the local economy. Fishing not only provides fresh and nutritious food, but also generates employment and livelihood for thousands of familiesMarkets, restaurants and industries depend on the tireless work of fishermen. Each species caught represents not only a source of food, but also a value chain that is activated and benefits an entire community.

It is necessary to continue integrating the knowledge of fishermen into the public policies and regulations continue to strengthen fisheries management. It is vital to promote knowledge about the sector and the constant changes in nature, as well as their impacts on the activity, which often put the work of fishermen at risk.

This risk also comes from external factors that put in suspense and threaten the normal development of this activity. For example, failure to respect closed seasons or inappropriate use of prohibited fishing methods It negatively affects the reproduction of species and could leave thousands of people without sustenance and livelihoods. Taking care of our sea is the responsibility of all of us and our incursion into it must always be responsible, with a look at the legacy that we are giving to the following generations, this will allow us to achieve a sustainable and lasting line.

In this Fisherman’s Day I want to recognize the effort and dedication of the fishermen of Peru, there are no great or small, we are only men and women nourished by our sea, respecting our ancestral traditions. This tireless work is the beginning of a chain of positive effects that I am sure will continue to strengthen and become more visible. Thank you, guardians of the sea, let us continue to make our oceans an inexhaustible source of life for all.

Ernesto Buenano
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