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An aunt broke down and confessed that the child died in an accident

According to what transpired, Laudelina Pena He reportedly declared in court during the night of Friday and early Saturday morning that “it was all an accident.”

In a second post, Gustavo Valdés commented that “Laudelina testified before both the Attorney General’s Office and the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Corrientes, and would have described how the events of the Loan Case occurred. Everything that has been done is being sent to the Federal Court for it to proceed according to law.”

What the aunt in the Loan case would have confessed

According to judicial sources cited by Clarin and Infobethe woman would have confessed that, after lunch at grandmother Catalina’s house, Loan would have been run over by the truck driven by the former sailor. Carlos perezaccompanied by his wife, the former municipal official Victoria Caillava. Both detained in the context of the case.

The version indicates that the little boy would have gone to the orange grove and from there he would have tried to return home to his father. There, cutting roads, he would have ended up on the rural road, where he was hit by the truck.


Capture of TN

In the statement, he indicated that the help of the commissioner was key Walter Maciel, also arrested for Loan’s disappearance. He even accused the police officer of having “planted” one of the little boy’s sneakers, which was later found during the searches around the orange grove.

Laudelina would have stated that, after the accident, Pérez and Caillava would have taken the child to the hospital, although it is unknown what ultimately happened to Loan. And in the event that she has died, where is her body.

The woman admitted to the provincial court that she had been threatened to cover up the tragic outcome of the 5-year-old boy, who has not been seen since June 13 in the town of 9 de Julio, Corrientes.

Laudelina Peña will now have to ratify her statement before the Federal Court, which is currently in charge of the investigation.

The Corrientes Police were removed from the investigation

The Corrientes Police was removed in the last hours from the investigation in the case of disappearance of little Loan Peñafive years old, by decision of federal judge Cristina Pozzer Penzo.

In her request, the magistrate urged the head of the Goya Regional Unit to “order the cessation of investigative tasks by the personnel under his charge that could be developing around the alleged disappearance of the minor Loan Peña,” reported two weeks ago.

Consequently, From now on, only federal forces will intervene.While the Naval Prefecture will be in charge of logistics, the National Gendarmerie will carry out field operations and the Argentine Federal Police will be in charge of the investigation itself.

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