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La Jornada – I have a new engine, AMLO tells Sheinbaum

Edzná, Camp. During the inauguration of the new site museum of the Edzná archaeological zone, the virtual president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo assured that the construction of the Mayan Train It is undoubtedly one of the greatest legacies of President Andrés Manuel López Obradorand announced its commitment to continue this railway system, both in complementary works and in the recovery of cultural heritage.

Before generals who directed the construction and directors of the companies that collaborated, she offered: President, rest assured that we are going to take care of you and enhance you..

López Obrador received the compliment and expressed, once again, his satisfaction with Sheinbaum’s victory in the presidential election: We are very happy. I have been very happy for more than 20 days, very strengthened. It helped me. The body may not be so good anymore, but I have a new engine.

The virtual president stated, at the time, that the construction of the Mayan Train is one of the largest works in Mexico and the world in which cutting-edge technology, stations blended with the landscape, hotels and protected natural areas are combined.

This great infrastructure has other great lessons. A symbol of transformation, it leaves behind the unsustainable neoliberal model that left so much damage and suffering to the people of Mexico.

On their third joint work tour, in the morning they had had a private meeting with the military engineers who have the main responsibility in the final stage of construction of the Mayan Train, to evaluate the progress. At the opening ceremony of the museum, López Obrador offered that the last stage of construction of this work could be completed in August.

In turn, Sheinbaum recalled that when she was responsible for the construction of the second floors in Mexico City, during the leadership of López Obrador, there was a community in the Alfonso XIII neighborhood that opposed those, because it was a work that would cross the neighborhood with its precarious homes. Faced with the dilemma, he proposed the construction of new homes and support for the population with social programs.

Any resemblance to the construction of the Mayan Train is not a mere coincidenceis López Obrador’s vision of shared development and prosperity, he stressed who will be his successor.

In his message, the president made new recognition of the role of military engineers in the construction of the major works of the six-year period with the Felipe Ángeles and Tulum airports, as well as the Mayan Train. He also did so with executives from the companies that collaborated in the latter and also with Daniel Chávez, head of the Vidanta group, who served as honorary supervisor of the railway works: an entrepreneur with a social dimension.

After the event, López Obrador and Sheinbaum, accompanied by businessmen and generals, headed to the Edzná station of the Maya Train to travel to Mérida, where today they will continue their work tour, although with exclusively private events.

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