The Government of Argentina notifies that the TeleSur signal will no longer be broadcast in the country

The Government of Argentina notifies that the TeleSur signal will no longer be broadcast in the country
The Government of Argentina notifies that the TeleSur signal will no longer be broadcast in the country

The Argentine Government headed by Javier Milei notified this Tuesday the multi-state news channel TeleSur, with its main headquarters in Venezuela, that On July 1, the signal of this chain will stop being transmitted through Open Digital Television.

The information, disseminated by the Argentine press, confirmed the disagreements in the Government and the news platform, used as a means of propaganda by the regimes of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua and which emerged in 2005, with the co-sponsorship of these and the then governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador and Uruguay.

According to the Argentine newspaper The nationthe auditor Diego Chaher, in charge of the controversial audits of Educate, Telam, Argentine Radio and Television and Public Contentsnotified TeleSur, through a letter, that They would have 60 days to complete the exercise of their functions in the country.

“By this formal means and in exercise of the powers of legal representation that were conferred on me, for the purposes of exercising the power provided for in article 2.2. of the Collaboration Agreement signed on November 20, 2020 terminating it on July 1, 2024.”Chaher wrote in the letter.

The nation specified that The decision of the Milei Government “is framed in the midst of tensions with Venezuela and after the recent arrival of Andrés Mangiarotti (Argentina’s new ambassador to Venezuela) to the embassy in Caracas, with the intention of putting negotiations between both countries on track”, whose relations are increasingly tense.

“The media censorship against TeleSur in Argentina represents a serious attack on the right to informationby limiting access to dissident voices, restricting information plurality, undermining the possibility of holding informed opinions and actively participating in public debate,” said the Venezuelan Minister of Communication, Freddy Ñáñez, in a statement.

For its part, the Cuban state media They have come to the defense of their ally and, with a speech that displays all their double standards, they affirm that this fact “clearly represents a serious attack on the right to information.” In this sense, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro stated that “Javier Milei is afraid of TeleSur, but they will not be able to censor him, the people will see it through social networks.”

The same Cuban media that today tear their clothes for the censorship of the Argentine Government are what defend censorship, persecution and threats against the media and independent Cuban journalists who tell a reality different from the propaganda narrative of the state press.

Cubadebateas if he had never defended the censorship against those who think differently in Cubastated that what happened with Telesur are “neo-fascist attempts to silence our voices.”

The multi-state channel, for its part, stressed that it will continue to build a “symphony of voices through its different channels and platforms, connecting people in the defense of the right to information as a pillar of freer and fairer societies.” But in that symphony of voices, In that plurality that they claim to defend, there is no room for the opponents of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, whom he constantly lashes out.

It is not the first time that TeleSur leaves Argentine screens. In 2016, the Government of Mauricio Macri not only removed the television station from the TDA channel lineup, but also decided to withdraw as a shareholder in this project. Argentina owned 16% of the shares. Four years later, in 2020, under the Government of Alberto Fernández, the channel returned to the South American country.

TeleSUR’s impact is quite limited even in Venezuelawhere the Maduro regime has forced subscription television companies to include the multinational channel’s signal.

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