The explosive crossover between Ximena Capristo and Romina Uhrig on the air: “Don’t break me and change it!”

The explosive crossover between Ximena Capristo and Romina Uhrig on the air: “Don’t break me and change it!”
The explosive crossover between Ximena Capristo and Romina Uhrig on the air: “Don’t break me and change it!”

The encounter between Ximena Capristo and Romina Uhrig in Big Brother’s Night of the Exes

If there are fights inside the house Big Brother 2023, there are also confrontations outside of it. In The Night of the Exes they carried out a very strong crossing Ximena Capristo with Romina Uhrig in full discussion about the relationship between Zoewho was in the studio, with his mother Aixa. The discussion was heating up throughout the program and towards the end, they ended up colliding.

“No one is bullying Zoe’s mother. The only thing I said, and many people think it, like Lu and many, that her mother’s behavior was not right, such as how she spoke to Zoe. That’s what I saw,” was the former deputy’s comment that, after several frictions, led to a clash. It was enough for Gustavo Conti’s wife to express her disagreement with his opinion.

“Well, Black. “But why are we here?!” the participant from the previous edition of the cycle ended up yelling at her and the ex-vedette went all out. “Stop stop Stop! Lower my voice for me. “With me, put down a change!” She threw him. “I’m not guarding you,” the former participant sought to defend herself. Dancing 2023.

Romina Uhrig and Ximena Capristo fought on Big Brother’s Night of the Exes over the bond between Zoe and her mother (Photo: Telefe)

“You have been interrupting me from the first moment we started the program. “Don’t break my balls!” Ximena continued, very angry. “I’m talking and no one is breaking your balls,” Romina murmured under her breath, while the former “Sofovich girl” assured that Zoe had naturalized her relationship with her mother. “She and her mother know that,” she said. But the discussion continued.

“Lower your tone. I am speaking very well to you and let me give my opinion. We are free to give our opinion,” continued the contestant of GH 2022, while Black continued firm with her position. “For me, the mother did not harm the girl,” she stated, while she pointed to the contestant.

“What are we here for? You have your thoughts and I have mine. Nobody is attacking you here,” Romina continued, annoyed while Ximena followed her. “You just threw it at me… So let’s all make a change,” she said, while Robertito Funes intervened to put cold cloths.

“Don’t break my balls!” Ximena Capristo said to Romina Uhrig in the Big Brother 2023 cycle (Photo: GH, Telefe)

A few minutes before, the former participants of the reality show, Ximena was part of the second season and Romina from last year, had already had several short circuits. One was due to the position that Noelia La Gata took to avoid confrontations with Furia. The singer was on the floor and while one praised her posture, another wanted her to “take out her claws.”

“Why confront if everyone who confronted them left, Black. “It’s great,” said Walter Festa’s ex-partner, at which point the winner of Skating for a Dream reacted in the preview of what would end up being her big outburst. “You have it with me today, Romina! “You don’t let me speak and you step on me,” she told him. “I don’t care if you think the same as me or not,” the other closed, spicy.

A few days ago Ángel de Brito gave details of the romance that Romina would be experiencing. “He was in El Hotel de los Famosos and he is a former Combate, he is Damián Ávila. Now she is working on my friend Laurita Fernández’s program,” the host of the series, Ángel de Brito, began by saying and then added: “She will surely deny it to me, but Ávila started a relationship with our beloved Romina Uhrig. The change you made from Festa to this one! I love the couple,” he stated.

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