Aleska Génesis revealed the high amount she earned weekly in ‘La Casa de los Famosos’

Aleska Génesis revealed the high amount she earned weekly in ‘La Casa de los Famosos’
Aleska Génesis revealed the high amount she earned weekly in ‘La Casa de los Famosos’

Aleska Génesis was one of the finalists of ‘La Casa de los Famosos’ and after finishing the fourth season, several media outlets have decided to interview her to talk about the experience she had during her participation. In turn, one of the questions that attracted the most attention was the fact of Find out how much they paid him weekly.

Enrique Santos was the person to whom she responded about the high figure for which she accepted the contract: “I am not worth $7,000 or $10,000 dollars. I was there for more. $15,000 dollars? There you arrived… weekly.”

“Obviously, We sign a confidentiality agreement where we cannot say exactly what we earn. But…” he highlighted during his visit to space.

The Venezuelan model did not hesitate to highlight that: “Between $15,000 and $20,000 dollars per week. I don’t know if she (referring to Maripily) could really say the exact amount, But they really did pay us very well throughout that time that we were inside The House. Practically, you leave your life to give yourself over to that and there are 4 months where you paralyze your life in everything.”

These numbers have generated controversy among viewers, Some consider it to be an excessive amount for simply living in a house and participating in weekly challenges, while others argue that it is fair remuneration for exposing his personal life and facing complex situations in front of the cameras.

“Something like that. And also I didn’t win the briefcase, but I feel like I won much more than the briefcase. I feel that my purpose in there and my exposure, the fact that they have known me and that they no longer see me as that person’s ex or Nicky’s ex… I don’t get tired of it, but there comes a time where I don’t want to be known as someone’s ex, but that they know me for who I really am,” he told Santos.

Keep reading:
· Is Clovis and Aleska’s courtship for marketing? Gregorio Pernía launches strong reflection
· Chiky Bombom confronts Aleska Génesis and tells her that she does not believe in her courtship with Clovis Nienow
· Rodrigo Romeh told what he thinks about the romantic relationship between Clovis Nienow and Aleska Génesis

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