“I would define my experience with the word intense” – Publimetro Chile

“I would define my experience with the word intense” – Publimetro Chile
“I would define my experience with the word intense” – Publimetro Chile

“I would define my experience with the word intense,” said model Christian Mujica in conversation with Publimetro.cl after being eliminated from the Channel 13 reality show, “Win ​​or Serve?”, where he had to face an intense “duel to the death” with Fabio Agostini in this Monday’s episode.

Thus, when asked how he would define his participation and what he experienced in the reality show, Christian Mujica chose the word intensity, adding that “In such a short time I experienced many things that you don’t experience on a day-to-day basis, many confrontations and different personalities coexisting together.”.

Meanwhile, regarding Fabio’s nomination to face each other in the duel, Mujica indicated that although he did not expect it, he later got used to the idea and he left happy for having tested himself with the strong winner of “Tierra Brava”.

Christian Mujica

Despite everything, he added that he still didn’t care “a little helplessness” having been eliminated. “Not being one hundred percent with the injury I had in my hand, it didn’t let me compete well. I don’t want to sound arrogant, but perhaps the outcome would have been different if that injury had not affected me. (…) Things happen for a reason and maybe it was time to have to leave. I really enjoyed the short time I was there and met incredible people inside.”

Christian Mujica turned the page: he went to Mexico

However, and although he highlighted that he had a great time during the confinement of the reality show that is recorded in Lima, Peru, the model Christian Mujica assured that he does not plan to participate in a possible playoff, since after his elimination he left immediately to Mexico to resume her modeling career.

Right now I wouldn’t like it, since I am back in Mexico working in my profession and I am happy to continue growing as a model. (…) This is what I am aiming for now, to be able to continue growing to reach stronger international markets,” he explained about his future career.

Finally, when asked about who he would eliminate now from “Win ​​or Serve?”, Mujica pointed out that “I think everyone performs well in the reality show, so It is difficult for me to nominate someone to be eliminated, but to answer this question it would be Bluesince at times I did not see her in the best of spirits due to the discussions.”

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