“Bancala con el corazón”, the scandalous complaint by Catalina and Manzana for threats that tarnished a historic Big Brother player

“Bancala con el corazón”, the scandalous complaint by Catalina and Manzana for threats that tarnished a historic Big Brother player
“Bancala con el corazón”, the scandalous complaint by Catalina and Manzana for threats that tarnished a historic Big Brother player

In the last hours, Catalina Gorostidi and Federico “Manzana” Farías were protagonists of a strong crossing against a historic former player of Big Brother.

“Juliana was expelled”, the scandalous Big Brother announcement that shocked Catalina and broke the game

Apparently, a threat that the singer received cordoban unleashed the confrontationsince given what happened, her friend He came out to defend him.

Who is the former Big Brother player that Catalina and Manzana denounced for threats

“Bancala con el corazón”, the scandalous complaint by Catalina and Manzana for threats that tarnished a historic Big Brother player

When Federico “Manzana” Farías He received a surprise threat by a historic former Big Brother playershared the controversial message on his social networks for expose the perpetrator. Given what happened, her friend Catalina Gorositidi came out to defend him, and they both took care of make your identity known.

Is about Christian Uhe winner of the reality in the 2011 edition. The man from Córdoba shared through his account x he threatening message that he received, which began: “Che salame, you come out of nowhere to insult me. High slap, you’re going to eat wherever I see you”.

Then, keep going: “I play everything but you have to take the insult with your chest. “I’m not those g*cks who yell at each other and nothing happens.” Indignant, Frederick published the threat and wrote: “What is this violent g*l otario flashing?”.

Given what happened, Gorostidi He didn’t hesitate a second, and went out defend your friend. Citing Manzana’s message, the doctor expressed her displeasure with Christian and his behavior: “He had to leave Argentina because no one knows him! Violent and threatening. “Camera this ball** o, no,” she expressed, among other things.

The tense crossing between Santiago del Moro and Catalina

Some days ago, Juliana Scaglione was once again the protagonist of an uncomfortable moment in Big Brotherafter making very controversial statements about people who suffer from HIV, just to criticize his girlfriend Martin Ku. “She connected with the whole house, but not with me. What do I have, HIV? (for the acronym in English)? Do I smell shit?” he asked, sarcastically.

For this reason, Santiago del Moro took the opportunity to give the “Huésped” Foundation a space during the broadcast, so that they can explain the different ways of protect yourself to avoid contagion of the virus.

In that context, once the driver finished talking about the topic, Katherine He asked to speak and crossed him. “As a doctor, I am going to say that the HIV It is a very important thing. It’s very cancelable from her. (what he said) and no person here tells a joke or makes a comment that because you get close to a person you get HIV. These things have to be educated”He launched annoyed.

Immediately afterwards, the driver interrupted her and told her that, although this “is not in dispute, it must be highlighted.” You will highlight it the day it comes out”, he clarified bluntly to close the topic.

At this, the young woman concluded furiously “No. “I’m not going to talk to him.”

They accused Catalina of brutally attacking Juliana’s fans from Big Brother live and the scandalous video left no doubt: “No one does anything to her”

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