Romina Malaspina’s drama after a substance that ruined her lips: Don’t do it to her

Romina Malaspina’s drama after a substance that ruined her lips: Don’t do it to her
Romina Malaspina’s drama after a substance that ruined her lips: Don’t do it to her

And he expanded: “About three years ago I got that rubbish thing done, which is like getting a tattoo on your lip so that it looks colored. I told the girl a soft color and she made me this almost red one. “I left there and wanted to shoot myself.”

“I said ‘it’s going to go away’. She never got off. Three years passed and it didn’t go away, so I started doing lasers on my lips and it’s very painful. But for the skin to fall off, it’s like they get hard like a cat’s tongue,” he explained.

Finally, she seemed extremely remorseful and reflected: “They probably thought I painted my mouth red all the time. No, this is the color I have tattooed and I don’t like it. I don’t really know why I did it because my natural lip color was so pretty.” “Never do it to them.”he advised.

Shocking video! Romina Malaspina dove headfirst into the icy water of Antarctica

Romina Malaspina He jumped headlong into the water Antarctica with temperatures below zero and the video went viral on social networks.

The ex Big Brother 2015 He thus joined the sub-zero challenge and was encouraged to jump into the water with very low temperatures with pure bravery and more than fulfilling the experience.

“Wish me luck”, you hear her say Romina Malaspina before going down the stairs and jumping into the water, obviously, with the corresponding thermal suits.

They placed a harness on the blonde’s back holding on to her life jacket and after the classic count to three, and before everyone’s harangue, she was encouraged to jump into the water.

Happy to be able to meet the challenge and after the applause of everyone present, the former G.H. exclaimed: “I did it!”. She was then instantly dried and kept warm.

That courage!

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