Who are Alyn and Addam Casco, the new characters from ‘The House of the Dragon’ who are fundamental for the Dance of Dragons

This season 2 of ‘The House of the Dragon’ is, little by little, introducing key figures for the Dance of Dragons, the Targaryen civil war. And in this case, we have already met the Casco brothers—or del Casco (of Hull)—. We already saw one in the first episode, and the other has just been introduced in this past second episode. By the way, spoilers from here.

We are talking about Alyn and Addamcharacters played by Abukabar Salim and Clinton Liberty, respectively. Two sailors (well, the second one is a builder) who go to work in the Sea Serpent fleet, Corlys Velaryon (Stephen Toussaint). In fact, Alyn saves Corlys’ life on the Stone Steps.

But that will not be the only important thing in the lives of these brothers and it will soon be revealed that They are both bastards of House Velaryon. In fact, the boys come from Casco, a small town on the island of Marcaderiva, where their mother, Marilda, lived.

Regarding the identity of his father, That’s where the chroniclers disagree.. Marilda of Casco claimed that they were both fathered by Laenor Velaryon (John Macmillan). Something that was questioned by everyone who knew his homosexual tendencies. This is where Champiñón pulls the thread, stating that in reality They are bastard children of Corlys.

dragon seeds

Regardless of who the father was, it was clear that some Velaryon was, which turned out to be important for two reasons. The first: the legacy. The house had been left without heirs, and Addam (the older of the two) turned out to be the ideal candidate. The second: having Valyrian blood made them potential dragon riders. In Dragonstone, although there are plenty of them, they lack people to climb on their backs.

This is how the Dragon Seeds chapter of the ‘Blood and Fire’ chronicle opens: a search by the Blacks for riders for their dragons, with the idea of ​​going all out against the Greens. Anyone who wanted could try it in exchange for being knighted.among the candidates were several of these “seeds” (bastards of Valyrian/Targaryen blood).

Of course, many failed (including Alys, who suffered serious burns) when it came to taming their dragons but finally four, of which we have already seen three in the series, were successful: Hugh Hammer (Kieran Bew) with Vermithor; Ulf the White (Tom Bennett), linked to Silverwing; Helmet Addam, with Mist and Nettles, with Sheepstealer. The latter, also from Casco.

We are not going to tell what happened later with the events of the war. The fact is that with this call and foreseeing the importance of the Velaryon line continuing in some way, Corlys had to convince Rhaenyra to strip the Helmet brothers of their status as bastards and become full-fledged Velaryon.

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