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Mobility in Medellin is at a standstill after a Metrocable cabin collapsed

In the early hours of this Wednesday, June 26, 2024, an emergency occurred on the Medellín Metrocable: a cabin collapsed at the Popular station of the city’s integrated transportation system with 21 people inside; one of the occupants lost his life.

>>> You can also read: This is what the emergency zone for the Medellín Metrocable cabin crash looks like from the air

Of the 20 injured, 11 are with a reserved prognosis in different healthcare centers in the city. Meanwhile, Mobility in the northeast of Medellín is chaotic.

On this Wednesday night There is a queue of more than 500 people waiting for the arrival of feeder buses. arranged by the Metro to replace line K, which was suspended until further notice after the accident.

How did the Metrocable accident occur?

When the operation of the system was just starting, around 4:30 in the morning, the collision of one cabin with another that unexpectedly braking caused the terrible incident that ended with the collapse of one of the cars.

The fatal victim of this incident was identified as Jhon Jairo Londoño, a 55-year-old man who had climbed into the Metrocable cabin to get to his workplace.

Miraculously, the person transporting the taxi hit by a part of the cabin while passing by the place emerged unharmed.

Authorities in Medellín are investigating the causes of the accident.

“We want to express our commitment to a transparent and objective investigation of the causes of the accident”, said Tomás Elejalde, manager of Metro Medellín.

The problem was recorded in a specific area of ​​the system, which It does not affect the operation of the other lines.

To serve the local population and guarantee mobility, the contingency plan was deployed with feeder buses and integrated routes authorized by the metropolitan area.

It is a situation that had not arisen in the city in 29 years of operation of the Metro system.

>>> You can also read: Witnesses to Metrocable cabin collapse: “Only the screams could be heard”

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