“The Secret of the River” is a series of Netflix that transports us to the vibrant and colorful isthmus of Tehuantepec, in Mexico. The plot revolves around the friendship of two children, Manuel and Erik, who are involved in a tragic event that will mark their lives forever.
What the series “The Secret of the River” is about
It is a production of 8 episodes, recently released on the streaming platform. It is presented as a series that combines drama, intrigue and a deep reflection on life.
The series explores how a traumatic event in childhood can shape the destiny of two people. Over the years, Manuel and Erik will carry the weight of this secret with them, leading them to make decisions that will have a profound impact on their lives and those around them.
The series also delves into the culture and traditions of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, with a special focus on the muxe community, a group of people assigned at birth as men who adopt feminine gender roles. The presence of muxes in the series adds a layer of complexity and cultural richness to the plot.
Who acts?
The cast of «“The Secret of the River” It is made up of talented Mexican actors, among which stand out:
- Diego Calva: He plays Manuel, one of the protagonists, who is forced to face his past and the consequences of his decisions.
- Trinidad González: He plays Erik, Manuel’s best friend and confidant of his deepest secrets.
- Sofia Sisniega: She plays Sicarú, a woman who crosses Manuel’s path in adulthood and who helps him reconnect with his past.
Why watch “The Secret of the River”?
- A moving story: The series weaves an emotional plot that explores themes such as friendship, love, loss and identity.
- Cultural representation: The series offers a window into the rich culture of the Tehuantepec isthmus and the muxe community.
- Impressive landscapes: The beautiful locations of Oaxaca and local traditions are another character in the story.
- Outstanding performances: The cast delivers moving performances that will make you connect with the characters.