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They ask for the withdrawal of ‘Naked Attraction’, the program with full nudity “suitable for people over 12 years old”

When a preview of the program ‘Naked Attraction’ was shown during the presentation of the launch of Max, some emoticons covered the genitals of the contestants of the adaptation of the British format hosted in its Spanish version by Marta Flich. “When it premieres, there will be no emoticons,” anticipated Alberto Carullo, vice president of the original local production of Max in Italy and Spain.

No sooner said than done. There are no emoticons, no short shots, nor is what they have decided to show pixelated. ‘Naked Attraction’, released eight years ago in the United Kingdom, is conceived, as advanced in Max’s presentation, as a dating space that reverses the usual order if the meetings come to a successful conclusion. It starts without clothes and ends with them. “It’s not all so superficial, it advocates naturalness, naked love,” acknowledged Flich, for whom ‘Naked Attraction is “liberating.” “It is very diverse, different races, sexualities, everything (…) It shows that all bodies are beautiful and that tastes are infinite.”

Already available on the platform with the full nudes of the participants, however, the classification for people over twelve years of age was surprising, while on Movistar Plus+, which offers Max services on its platform, it appears as suitable for people over sixteen.

The arrival of ‘Naked Attraction’, released with success in Italy, Sweden and Germany, has upset the Institute of Social Policy (IPSE), which has requested the cancellation of Max’s ‘dating’ in a harsh statement in which it states that « “It seriously violates the integrity of women since they expose naked women to the taste of the contestant so that they can select who they are most sexually attracted to,” although there are also women who choose naked men under the same conditions.

The Christian organization has asked Max “to withdraw this program immediately or else we will warn our friends, supporters and partners to process his withdrawal from his platform as well as to notify his contacts to do the same. “We don’t want these types of programs that market to women and that are practically pornographic.”

Marta Flich already predicted that the program would cause people to talk, but she cleared up any hint of controversy by assuring that it is “a beautiful, healthy project, without prejudices.” The taboo that is bodies is removed, you see the shocking stories behind it,” the presenter then explained, giving as an example that of a woman “who suffered breast cancer and who decides to go and say: ‘This is me ‘».

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