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Moving scene of Armando and Malú broke viewers: “change in the eyes” of Héctor Noguera drew applause

Scenes of emotion have been experienced in the last chapters of Like life itself (Mega) in the context of the marriage between Marco (Andrés Velasco) and Bea (Carmen Zabala), being the groom’s father, Armando, played by Hector Noguerathe character who has stolen the movie.

It happens that the Alzheimer’s of the grandfather of the main family has been becoming more and more severe over the months, so he practically no longer recognizes Malú (Coca Guazzini), who has accompanied him throughout his illness, even though he tried to push her away when he was diagnosed because he did not want her to be part of the painful part of the process.

In the case, Armando showed up in a wheelchair, very happy, having an emotional dialogue with his son after the ring pose and being declared “husband and wife.” even though the older adult forgot the reason for the celebration: “Ah! You got married! ”He expressed impressed. “Your happiness is mine, you know that… Don’t you?” TONext, he confessed that “the happiest day of my life was when you were born… it’s something that I will never forget,” and then told you about that memory in detail.

A moving dance by Armando and Malú

Already with the dance detonated, Malú accompanied Armando, who seemed to be sitting with his gaze lost, while “My Way” by Frank Sinatra began to play: “This is my favorite song in life,” said the protagonist’s mother.Alonso (Diego Muñoz).

That hit led toAfter six months, he recognized his girlfriend: “Malucita!” he said with a smile. “Yes,” she answered, “it’s me,” full of excitement.

Then, The gallant stands up to propose that they dance together: “Hey, my lady, you would do me the honor of granting me this dance… to this penguin from La Florida”, returning for a moment to being the friendly and enterprising old man from the first part of the soap opera.

So, Both will live an emotional and romantic moment together, hugging, to the rhythm of Sinatra’s song, being tenderly observed by those present at the party.

YesHowever, just as he regained his memory, suddenly, his gaze once again went astray and he fell into oblivion, so Malú will proceed to help him take a seat. “Thank you very much for this dance, gentleman.”He tells.

Of course, the moment unleashed the emotions of the viewers, who highlighted Noguera’s performance at 86 years old.and more than one person was struck by a subtle and telling gesture he made with his eyes, making the moment extremely credible, which can be seen in full this Tuesday or Wednesday on Mega’s open screen.

Check the scene and reactions here

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