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Daniela Aránguiz went against Luis Mateucci and previewed an episode of “Win ​​or Serve” – Publimetro Chile

The panelist of the program “Follow me”, Daniela Aránguizdid not separate on good terms from her last partner, Luis Mateucci, who is currently in the reality show “Win ​​or Serve,” and she went against the Argentine in the latest edition of the entertainment space.

On the panel they were discussing about the role of Luis Mateucci in the history of reality shows, and Sergio Maraboli pointed out that he is the best reality boy that has ever existed on Chilean television since he has great management of the show, romance and fights.

Given this statement, his ex-partner launched “he’s a shithole” about Mateucci. She proceeded to explain why she said this: “When you put up a fight and face that fight, you have to go to the end. Don’t start a fight and then hide behind people.”

“When you put up a fight and face that fight, you have to go to the end. Don’t start a fight and then hide behind people.”

– Daniela Aránguiz on Luis Mateucci

Coming soon to “Win ​​or Serve”…

Aránguiz decided to go for broke, and advancement something that is going to happen in the confinement in many more chapters. “When Pamela Díaz leaves the reality show, Fabio Agostini goes to look for her since the production did not agree.or nothing, but that was Pamela’s choice and since she is the queen of reality shows, they fulfilled it,” she began by saying.

“Fabio Agostini arrives to look for her on a bare-footed horse, and Ignacio Corvalán runs and accuses Luis that Fabio is coming,” Daniela revealed, and that the producer told Mateucci to go hide. “They say that Channel 13 was furious with Ignacio Corvalán because he killed the entire impression,” he added.

Luis Mateucci, along with Oriana Marzoli and her boyfriend, Facundo, went to hide on the second floor of the house because Luis was afraid of Fabio. She is terrified of him after the last fight they had the other time,” concluded Daniela Aránguiz.

The gift

Michael Roldán asked why Corvalán likes Mateucci so much, and Aránguiz said that it is because he is the only puppet that works for him. “I swear on my life that this happened, before entering the reality show, Corvalán told Luis that I had to have an affair with Daniela Colett, and Luis listens to him in everything,” said Daniela.

“He tells him: ‘I’ll pay you a million more, but do this’ (…) I’m going to tell you about a sacrifice, ‘Don’t compete, let’s give Channel 13 the pleasure of Fabio winning, don’t compete well and I’ll leave you until the final of this other reality show.’. “I’m talking about the final of ‘Tierra Brava’ along with that of this reality show,” she said.

She stated that they had Luis in “Win ​​or Serve” with a personal trainer from Monday to Friday for two hours, and he had a special diet. “Even if it wasn’t fixed, Fabio would have beaten him anyway,” Aránguiz concluded.

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