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leader Martín confirmed who he will take to the plate and who he will save

This time it is a plate of five participants in Big Brother 2023hence Martín has the future of Darío, Virginia, Nicolás and Emmanuel in his hands, since Juliana cannot be saved by the sanction. Thus, the only one who was not nominated was Bautista and he will be the one who ends up being forced to rise.

For this reason, Chino has three paths ahead of him: return Virginia’s favor from the previous week, remove Emmanuel so that the hand in hand be between Demo and Scaglione or go down to Dario to help Nicolás. In this way, there are many options and The only thing clear is that Ku does not want to save the 55-year-old participant.

Emmanuel or Darío and Bautista Big Brother 2023

Emmanuel or Darius for salvation and Baptist for fulmination.


This way, Martín has a great opportunity ahead of him to break the house of Big Brother 2023, although the shot could backfire if Juliana asks her fans to vote for Nicolás. This will cause the twenty-fifth eliminated continues to remain in the hands of Fury.

Furia confirmed that he receives information from Big Brother 2023: “They say I’m violent…”

The participant Juliana “Furia” Scaglione exposed the production of Big Brother 2023 after confirming that you receive informationsomething that ended up triggering all the anger from viewers on social networks due to the shielding that it has had for months.

Juliana Scaglione Fury Big Brother 2023

Fury seems to have reached a point of no return in Big Brother 2023.

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