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Karen Sevillano told how she met Lina Tejeiro: she almost vomited

Karen Sevillano was at a dinner with Pantera, where they talked about many personal topics.

Karen Sevillano has given something to talk about for his participation in ‘The house of the famous Colombia’. In the midst of this situation, the Cali influencer has earned the affection of all viewers, given that she, recently, has been seen interacting a lot with the ‘Galácticos’ group, that is, with Julián Trujillo and Sebastián González.

Some have said that Sevillian I could join the team and be the Martha Bolaños of the group. However, she has said that this is not true, and that they currently like her much better, but that does not mean that they are going to become best friends within the reality show on the RCN Channel, that has stolen all eyes.

Karen Sevillano told how she met Lina Tejeiro

Now, a few hours ago, Pantera and Sevillano They had the opportunity to have dinner together. Where they talked about various topics, and there they laughed and spent some time like the good companions they are. In the middle of this conversation, Kevin Fuentes (Panther) He confessed that he really likes sushi, because this was the food they had been served.

Read also: Miguel Melfi shocked with the particular gesture he had with Karen Sevillano

The 28-year-old from Cali he remembered what that moment was like when he tried it for the first time. He didn’t like it at all and even left what he had tried to pass on a napkin. Afterwards she said that she liked her and there she revealed how she met him. Lina Tejeiro.

Karen Sevillano revealed that the day he met first time with Lina Tejeiro, He had to go to a pretty fine place. The surprise was so great that she even said that the dishes in the that they were eating They looked expensive.

Fountain: Digital Integrated System

Published: 2024-06-06

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