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The reason why Saray Rebolledo stopped recording Devuélveme La Vida due to an error

Saray Rebolledo’s main mission in Devuélveme La Vida was to give life to Berenice, a character full of mystery not only because of the immense love she feels for Joe, but also because she plays Joaquín’s informant in La Victoria.

In dialogue with, the young woman explains how she took on this acting challenge, which turned out to be her first official participation on television after having had some appearances in Las Villamizar and even confesses that in one of her first recordings she starred in a funny event.
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Why Saray Rebolledo paused filming of Devuélveme La Vida

Rebolledo claims that just when he was on his first day of work he experienced a moment that turned out to be very funny later, since he realized that his hair was drawing too much attention.

“I’m there, seeing people looking at me, at the camera. The director and I come out ‘but what is happening and why haven’t we started recording the scene?’. Turns out my hair didn’t fit flat.”, He explains in the middle of the meeting.
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Although no one in the production knew how to solve the problem, the makeup artist came in to help her and decided to put the hair around her. 15 hooks to control the hair.

Finally, he points out that, although this was an immediate solution to the situation, he had to go to a beauty salon to make a cut that at the same time would not affect the style of his paperso that in the following meetings it was much easier for him to work in front of the cameras.
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The reactions of her followers were immediate, as they took the opportunity to praise the beauty of her afro: “that hair was so spectacular that the camera couldn’t stand it”, “all thanks to the hooks”, “how beautiful all those experiences”, were some of the messages that stood out.

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