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Agostina Spinelli revealed how she got the scar on her mouth: “I had to get stitches and it was a terrible situation”

Written in SHOWS he 10/6/2024 · 08:49 a.m.

It is known that before entering Big Brother, Agostina Spinelli He worked as a police officer. However, and against all odds, the scar she has on her face was not made while patrolling the northern suburbs, where she had to work. In dialogue with SoonFor the first time, the former GH recounted the domestic accident in which she marked her mouth forever.

Agostina Spinelli

“What is the scar on your mouth?” the journalist asked him. Nico Peralta and Agostina said: “I fell when I was little, at two years old, from a bunk bed and hit me on the end of the nightstand. They had to put stitches on me, I was bigger and when I grew up it went down and my head stayed there.” brand”.

And he continued: “I was with my aunt because my mother was not there that night. I am from Entre Ríos, from the Federation, and when I was five years old we moved to Buenos Aires. At the time, I came alone with my mother, Silvina. My father never saw me. I met. My dad, the one who raised me all my life, is from the heart and gave me his last name.

Agostina Spinelli

Her life story is very strong and she remembered it like this: “But he is not my biological father. Spinelli is the last name of my heart’s father, Fabián, and he gave it to me when he adopted me. I didn’t even know the biological father directly. I don’t have brothers on my mother’s side but I do have two on my old man’s side.”

What is your parents’ love story like? “They were dating before I was born. They fought, my mother left, she met a man with whom she had me, she came back alone and since my dad from the heart wanted to be with her again, he accepted her, they got together and they raised me. They adopted me when I was in first grade and I clearly remember why they changed my last name from the notebook and I cried because I didn’t understand anything,” Agos said.

Agostina Spinelli

Regarding what they say now that they have a famous daughter, he confided: “They like it and they supported me when I told them that I was going to enter Big Brother. My dad told me that the best thing I could do was retire from the police. ‘Today you are not “You risk your life for nothing,” he told me and I agreed with him. Imagine that he had 38 years of service, he knows what the street is like and he didn’t want me to continue in that world. “My life changed and we are all very happy with that.”

Agostina Spinelli
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