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Max cancels Tokyo Vice series

In recent months, the name Tokyo Vice has given a lot to talk about. The Max series became a success thanks to its story, characters and the way the plot progressed. However, It was recently announced that Max has canceled this production.

Although the story of the second season concluded in a satisfactory way, all those who wanted to see more episodes have been disappointed. Through an interview with Variety, JT Rogers, the creator of the series, has expressed his gratitude and satisfaction for having been able to tell the story he wanted.. This is what he commented:

“We know there are more stories to tell. Of course, we’ll see what the future holds, but we are very grateful to have been able to share this story on Max so far.”

For its part, a Max spokesperson added the following:

“We thank JT, Alan, Ansel, Ken, Fifth Season and Wowow for their collaboration on this totally unique modern noir thriller.”

Considering that the story came to a natural and satisfying conclusion, many could argue that the series was not cancelled. However, Rogers had already expressed his desire to do a third season of the seriesand although the possibility of these plans becoming a reality under another name is not ruled out, at the moment there is no official information.

We remind you that the two seasons of Tokyo Vice They are now available at Max. On related topics, this is what an average Mexican pays for streaming services. Likewise, Guillermo del Toro talks about Hayao Miyazaki.

Author’s Note:

It’s a shame that the space for original ideas is shrinking so quickly. Although the story could have had a conclusion, closing the door to a promising future is something that will always be regrettable.

Via: Variety

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