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Furia was compromised in Big Brother after her sister revealed information from abroad

The sports instructor may have been compromised after Coy talked too much after entering the house.

June 11, 2024, 11:06 a.m.

The Scaglione sisters are very close. (Photo: Telefe capture)

In the final stretch of Big Brother 2023 (Telefe), the boys began a journey with several of their most beloved relatives. One of those who entered the house was Hammockthe sister of Juliana “Furia” Scaglione. After the first minutes of excitement and hugs, the game became evident: the media spoke about the outside to the sports instructor who was compromised.

During a talk they were having in the kitchen, histrionic sister Rage He recommended that everything he does now In fact, it is outside the strategy.

Read also: Coy, Furia’s sister, entered Big Brother 2023 and told him who he had to urgently eliminate from the reality show

What information did Furia receive from her sister?

“The strategy is already there. I mean, people already know you, stupid. To all the same. Everyone knows who you are, who is Emma, ​​who is Bauti, or El Chino. “Everyone already knows”, she launched, data that can be safely taken as information from the outside.

Fury and a visit that he did not expect: his sister Coy joined Big Brother 2023. (Photo: Telefe capture)

The participants have been isolated since December 11, 2023, the date on which the reality show began, the longest in the history of Argentina. The extent of the game means that any information provided could be harmful to them.

Then Coy continued. “We already know who each one of them is. You saw, when I entered, Bauti told me I know you, I know your family, I know everything. Well, why do you think that I and all the people here don’t know who you are? That’s it, they’re over,” she remarked.

It’s not the only thing he told her Coy to Fury. In those first talks, he also pointed out who he should point out so that his fans can direct the votes for the next elimination.

Juliana Scaglione and information that could change your game.

Through an encrypted message, The young woman told him which participant he had to urgently eliminate. “When you came in and we made little angels, do you know what broke?”, the coach commented, while Georgina asked: “The Chinese stick? The signal…”. Juliana Scaglione did not take long to realize that she was talking about Martín Ku, and her response confirmed it: “Ready, thank you.”

Read also: Virginia gave explanations for her controversial phrases against Uruguayans in Big Brother

Despite having this information in his possession, we will have to wait to know how Furia will progress, since he has great affection for his partner, and on several occasions he expressed the desire for them to reach July 7 together. when one of the six left must turn off the light.

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