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Are you returning to Ventaneando? Atala Sarmiento and Pati Chapoy meet again after a smear campaign

It was in 2018, when the program ‘Windowing’ was involved in one of the strongest scandals with the departure of Atala Sarmientoone of its most beloved drivers, after 14 years of being part of the team.

What happened between Atala Sarmiento and Pati Chapoy?

The reason for the driver’s departure was that failed to reach an agreement with his contractbecause he was asking for a raise that the company refused to give him, so they asked him to decide whether to leave or settle.

However, one of the rumors that arose at that time was that Atala Sarmiento visited the Televisa facilities San Ángel before speaking with her then boss, Pati Chapoy, to explain that she had a proposal, so Chapoy refused to support her during their negotiation.

Atala Sarmiento and Pati Chapoy met again in Barcelona.

Besides, Sarmiento’s departure was stained with out-of-place comments from Daniel Bisogno and Pati Chapoy towards the host, and a kind of ‘leg of ice’ in her farewell program.

There was even talk of a smear campaign against the host, who was exposed on the program for years because of the way she left the program.

How was the reunion of Atala Sarmiento and Pati Chapoy?

Six years after this event, the former co-workers met again in Barcelona, place where Jimena Pérez’s sister-in-law currently resides.

Apparently, both were invited to an event, and Atala was the first to share a story where she was with Pati and wrote: “And yes (…) we shared laughter again, as always, as if all those things had not happened.” years. I feel happy.”

Later, he made a publication where he wrote: “25 years of having shared so many laughs and adventures cannot be erased with a stroke of the pen.”

Atala Sarmiento dedicated a few words to Pati Chapoy.

“At the end of our journey together, some plates had been broken. But above the fractures, affection, respect, and admiration always prevailed. Every process entails a natural maturation; and you have to work from within to know how to be ready and give that step, to make a fair and harmonious closure to important episodes of our lives,” wrote the former Televisa host.

Sarmiento mentioned that: “we deserved this moment, that loving and selfless hug. We are both people who know how to give.”

“I always said that I will love Pati Chapoy all my life and that will never change. Thank you for giving us this happy moment in my beautiful Barcelona,” concluded the former host.

The hosts of TV Azteca were at a public event.

Will Atala Sarmiento return to ‘Ventaneando’?

After this meeting, followers of both show hosts They have begun to ask for a return by Atala to ‘Ventaneando’However, it is unknown if this will happen because for several years, Sarmiento has lived in Spain, where he supports Jimena Pérez with the care of her nephews.

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